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Thread: Signs

  1. #1
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    Are there any obvious signs i would be able to pick up on from someone who is a friend but saw me as more that a friend, like her boyfriend. If that makes any sense.

  2. #2
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    There is a lot of information on this all over the internet. Basically, look for if she gives you extra attention, or if she lets you into her personal space (ie. gets close to you physically, picks you out when in a group)

    If you want further help you should probably post your situation with more detail.

  3. #3
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    We are good friends and have known each other for several years and is really the only female friend i have that i have alot of respect for.

    Even though she has a boyfriend we have gone out a couple times over the past few months, a few weeks ago we hung out and she seemed to be more open with things in her life that she usually is when were hanging out. We spent more time just talking this time to. Is she just being friendly or trying to tell me something

  4. #4
    Ellynn's Avatar
    Ellynn is offline Love Gurus
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    She has a bf.... that should say it all...

    Don't make any moves on her.....until she officially breaks up with him......and has time to get over that...

    I'm sorry but if she liked you....she would have dumped him a long time ago..

    And if she does like you and is unsure of how you feel about her......and won't break up with her bf until she knows....then thats not good either. It tells me that she is just looking to be with someone to have someone.....and not because she truly is into them....

    So anyways.....yeah I would rule her out until shes available...

    For now your just in the friend zone... which is why she can be herself....and talk to you about things...she can't talk to her man about.
    Appreciate the good times and learn from the bad times....

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ellynn
    I'm sorry but if she liked you....she would have dumped him a long time ago..

    And if she does like you and is unsure of how you feel about her......and won't break up with her bf until she knows....then thats not good either. It tells me that she is just looking to be with someone to have someone.....and not because she truly is into them....
    hmmm...not sure about this one....

  6. #6
    Ellynn's Avatar
    Ellynn is offline Love Gurus
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    Ok so maybe we all have been guilty of doing that at one time or another
    .....(Being with someone but yet wanting to be with someone else... Yet not ending things right away.)

    But Im just trying to make this guy cautious....

    More then likely he is in the friend zone.... at least for now.
    Appreciate the good times and learn from the bad times....

  7. #7
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    I agree with Ellynn.

    And while he is being cautioned, should he not be wary of being close friends with someone he feels so diffently about? Isn't it unsafe and unhealthy for him, emotionally? So yeah I would also add further to Ellynn's suggestion. But I will not now, as I know not enough about tman2001's situation. But these questions are worth considering.

    Best wishes my man.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    well maybe she is just trying to be more friendly, and it might not mean anything. i thought i had signs from my fiend but they were all wrong. as ELLYNN said wait and time will tell you.

  9. #9
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    I want to tell her how i feel about her and i know i probaly should, but i dont know how to explain it. A little background is that i met her because she was very good friends with my cousin. I knew her years before i lived in the same state as her and my cousin will tell me all the time over the phone how she would always ask about me. Then for personal reasons i moved in with my cousins family and became even closer with this girl. My cousin would always tell me to ask her out and would always tell me how this girl liked me. But i never did and three years later, were still friends and my cousin still says how i should just ask her out.

    The problem is she got involved with this very ****ed up guy and several people i know as well as me believe she is trapped in the relationship. This is a guy who told her he would kill himself if she left him. I dont want to see her get hurt from this relationship but dont know how to explain this without sounding like an idiot

  10. #10
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    sometime a girl seem to like you maybe just friendly...i recently met a girl who many say she flirt alot however when i finally got a chance to met her she is just friendly...so it really depend...

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    I can say that I have feelings for a guy friend of mine, and I seem to make myself too available for him. Does she make herself extra available?

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    What exactly do you mean by extra available

  13. #13
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    tman2001-----extra available:-
    *She's tells you that you can call her anytime 24/7
    *When you ask her for something, she always says 'yes'
    *She never refuses you
    *She fits you in, no matter how idiotic the time, no matter how bad the weather, no matter how inconvenient the circumstances

  14. #14
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    well even friends are like that, naturaly.
    i'm like that with my friends if they need anything important, or want to talk and need help.
    i believe, available for you only, is when she already have plans and let everything down for you. she talks to you more than the other friends. she might not flirt with you if she is the shy type of person. try playing games that will prouve to you she likes you. or try to see if she gets jealous if another girl approaches you.

  15. #15
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    The problem is she got involved with this very ****ed up guy and several people i know as well as me believe she is trapped in the relationship. This is a guy who told her he would kill himself if she left him. I dont want to see her get hurt from this relationship but dont know how to explain this without sounding like an idiot
    Well i know thats ****ed up man. Thing is i know a relationship which was off and on like that. Thing is this guy wont do it and i know it, because any guy who lets himself get attached to a girl in a relationship will do whatever it takes to not let themselves get dumped. Tell her "you need to dump him, and be friends with him."

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