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Thread: Met a nice girl but - but she just dropped off the face of the earth..

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Wheel in the sky

    Met a nice girl but - but she just dropped off the face of the earth..

    Hey, I met a girl online and I actually really like her. She described herself as being really independent but that could change depending on who she met.

    The e-mail communication was really good – about every day or every second day for about a week. I only gave her my number after meeting her for the first time. We then made plans to meet the next Sunday for brunch. She then e-mailed and said that she wanted to meet even sooner – so we went for a walk on Thursday night.

    After the walk I said I would call her about brunch, but I didn’t say when I would call. She then said that she would see how it went on Saturday night (she was working). I got a text message on Sunday morning saying that she had a rough night at work and that she couldn’t make brunch, sorry ttyl. I texted her back, saying that it was too bad but no problem, maybe another day.

    I also e-mailed her later that day saying that I was going to call her at 10am that morning, that it was too bad we didn’t hook up, and that I would like to take a rain check. Maybe I should have confirmed brunch earlier – like Saturday :S I was just planning to call on Sunday morning.

    After a couple days I called and left a message on Tuesday to see if she was free on Thursday night to go out. Its Friday night and there’s been no communication, and I haven’t heard from her at all since her text message on Sunday morning.

    Its weird because I thought everything went really well the two times we met. She’s not a Miss Perfect type.. so it bugs me why she hasn’t even called or contacted me.

    I think she could be playing it cool just to test my character – whether I’m the needy type, respect her “independence”, have a life of my own. I know you’ll all say to just back off, which is what my gut tells me.

    I wonder if its because I never called to confirm brunch on Saturday – that I left it to the last minute.
    Last edited by Journey; 20-05-06 at 07:56 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2006
    She'll get your messages, so for now back off and wait till she contacts you. If she doesn't call, I hate to break it to you, but maybe she wasn't all that interested... Which, I know sucks, but there are other fish in the sea.

    Wait till you get into long term relationship (you don't sound like someone who's been in one yet) and your GF starts asking for a break....

    Good luck she is most likely playing hard to get and will probably call you back in a couple days.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Wheel in the sky

    Wait till you get into long term relationship (you don't sound like someone who's been in one yet)

    Thanks for your advice LM. Actually she just text messaged me saying she is in another city visiting family - I completely forgot she was away She said she'd keep in touch. Problem solved. I hear you though. Thanks.

    On a side note: As far as the long terms... I've been in one 4 year relationship, one 1 year relationship, and then one 6 monther.. and one "open" long-distance relationship that's been going on for 3 years.

    "Be good to yourself"

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