Hiya, this is my first ever post! Exciting! I'm having a bit of a stressful time re. men!!! When don't I ever! Just wanted a few suggestions really. I'll try keep my epic of a story to a minimum so here goes.
Was with my ex for comin up to a few years but last few months I've been getting a bit distant. He is a very tempremental bloke and it all got a bit to much plus he goes to America in August for a year on placement and I was just generally bored. So we called it off, still half seeing each other but things are alot more casual. My heart just isn't in it right now! Plus I've found a new guy that I'm totally smitten with. I met this guy out one night and we didnt talk for ages (I had bf he had gf of 3 years) then we got back in touch and within the time we hadn't been talkin he had a kid. Since then we have both split with our partners and now see each other sometimes upto 4/5 times a week. We went on a weekend break a month ago and stayed at each others houses a few times. Whenever we see each other its just perfect and hug all night. I have proper fallen for him. We have spoken more or less everyday for about a month. He emails me when he's at work and we have planned another weekend away for soon. I texted tonight though and haven't had a reply. He has a tendancy not to text me back and when he says he will ring he doesn't. I cant work out whether its just him being majorly laid back about everything or trying to play hard to get or he is just leading me on and not as interested as I thought. I'm gettin mixed signals. Somedays he is so sweet and flirty and texts and rings other days I just don't hear from him unless I make the inital contact. Am I being to paranoid? I'm feeling so strongly that I would possibly want a future relationship with this guy. Am I best to go with the flow or try and find out his views on things. In my experience blokes never let on anything and its like gettin blood out of a stone trying to suss out their emotions. Help! It's doing my head in! xxx