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Thread: Shaking hands...???

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Shaking hands...???

    OK let's open this for discussion/votes...

    In a social setting, say a party or a night club and for example, a girl comes over to a guy and says 'my girlfriend wants to meet you, will join us at our table?' or 'I love your hair, what's your name?' is it cool to introduce yourself and shake hands?

    50% of my friends say it's creepy and pushy as you shouldn't touch them immediately. 50% say it is quite gentlemanly and classy.

    I personally think a nice geniune smile and a handshake is in order, but ladies, your opinions???
    Last edited by BlackiesHD; 05-08-06 at 10:24 AM.

  2. #2
    King Zarathu's Avatar
    King Zarathu Guest
    No. Reply like you just don't care about them but be hilarious.

  3. #3
    vashti's Avatar
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    I'm going with gentlemanly and classy. (Unless you have recently visited the bathroom and didn't wash your hands.)
    Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    well what are the choices?

    a) shake hands
    b) hug em
    c) just smile and wave "hi"

    i'd either pick a or c... b is a bit too affectionate for a first meeting

  5. #5
    King Zarathu's Avatar
    King Zarathu Guest
    First meeting? Yeah.. hugging is too affectionate. I say rip her shirt off and grope her while you stare at her boobs like it's the first time you've held a part of the female anatomy.


  6. #6
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    a firm handshake is good.

    i like handshakes, but not the sissy ones. that's an immediate turn off for me.

  7. #7
    vashti's Avatar
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    yeah, but don't do the death grip either...
    Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?

  8. #8
    Junket's Avatar
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  9. #9
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    Oh, touching right away is good, especially if it's sanctioned by polite society. I just had something like that happen the other night- somebody shook hands with me when he could have just said hi, and I liked it.

  10. #10
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    actually, i take what i originally said back

    the last girl that i am attracted to in highschool, the first time i met her, she gave me a hug. next time we met, she petting me on my head. the next time, it was hug. then the next time it was hug. then the next time was prom night and it was dancing. all in a matter of 3 weeks. saw her last week on the train, probably will be the last time i'll ever see her, she gave me this great hug.. i felt the grip.. the first time i've hugged a girl like i meant it.

  11. #11
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    It's good manners. I guess if you're going to go with what's right and wrong in society then I think that hand shaking is very good manners and highly accepted. I've had the hand shake many times and yeah sometimes it makes me feel strange, but not because we're touching, just because it makes things feel a little formal. However, in retrospect it was really good manners and quite impressive, I guess small things like that can say a lot about a person.
    Anyway, do whatever feels comfortable for you! If you're a hand shaker ; then go right ahead I say.
    To love is to suffer. To avoid suffering, one must not love; but then one suffers from not loving. Therefore, to love is to suffer, not to love is to suffer, to suffer is to suffer. To be happy is to love; to be happy then is to suffer, but suffering makes one unhappy; therefore to be unhappy one must love or love to suffer or suffer from too much happiness. I hope you're getting this down.

  12. #12
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    I'd shake hands, but whenever I shake hands with a woman I always tend to use a very very easy grip, in which I try to show them I'm not a rough guy.

  13. #13
    lilwing89's Avatar
    lilwing89 Guest
    i only shake hands if they give me a name and its a personal friend introducing me to somebody new.

  14. #14
    lilwing89's Avatar
    lilwing89 Guest
    i wonder if foreigners have a different policy... someone coming from india or italy might think shaking hands is weird... or even just the term 'shaking hands'

  15. #15
    vashti's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blue toxin
    I'd shake hands, but whenever I shake hands with a woman I always tend to use a very very easy grip, in which I try to show them I'm not a rough guy.
    Don't do that. It doesn't send the message you are hoping for. Too soft of a grip sends the message that you are a wimp and lack confidence. A firm grip is nice and sends a message of warmth and confidence. Don't do the hand crusher thing, though.
    Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?

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