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Thread: What do you think of online relationships

  1. #1
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    What do you think of online relationships

    I'm curious about online relationships. I'm talking about intimate ones, boy meets girl ect. Are they real? Can you really fall in love like that? I'm speaking of the kind where you never really get to meet each other, if but a couple of times, I wonder. I guess for some it can be real and actually happen. Or is it all a fabrication of ones mind at the time, a hopeful feeling that this is real, but not really knowing. I mean do you trust the other person that may be so far away from you to be faithful to you/ There are a lot of questions I could ask, what do you think?

  2. #2
    King Zarathu's Avatar
    King Zarathu Guest
    I've been in a couple--they all suck.

  3. #3
    vashti's Avatar
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    Are they real?

    No. (But they feel like they are.)
    Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    All online relationships ar a fantasy.

    It depends on a persons imagination, but the bottom line is they are a fantasy.

    Don't work out ever and are a total waste of time and effort.
    Many questions answered.... Many answers questioned

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    A complete waste of time.
    // -- //

  6. #6
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    My friend met her husband online, but they lived in the same area. They just used the computer to screen out duds before getting together.

  7. #7
    Mathias's Avatar
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    I was in one when I was a teenager. It was pretty intense...but again, it doesn't work out.

  8. #8
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    Online relationships intrigue me, because what with the rise and rise of the internet there will be more of them. Are they unhealthy? how can they even start without real life chemistry? I mean usually there are sparks in the air and flirting and that seems to be the way human attraction is designed to work-- so how does it even manage to function when two people meet purely online in text-only chat? If both parties feel that it's 'real', does that make it real?
    I don't know.. just throwing questions out there.
    and can it work out? Only if the people involved take the time to visit each other in real life. That would make it an LD relationship, which is a completely separate thing from a purely online relationship, imho; I may chat online with my bf, but the relationship started in real life.

  9. #9
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    Yes, I think they can work, but only if you meet the person and see them in real life. It [usually] turns out that if you have a great connection talking to the person online and on the phone, then you will have a great connection with the person in real life too. It can work - it just takes a lot more dedication and willpower than a regular relationship to maintain because there is no physical contact.
    If a dream comes true... then is it still a dream?

  10. #10
    SlickyBoy's Avatar
    SlickyBoy Guest
    As one whos marriage is in a rough spot over an Online Relationship , I think they are wrong, They are a fantasy and should stay just that if your married you ought to keep your focus on your partner, not some Tom, Dick, harry or whatever or who ever you meet on a message board or a chat room.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by swuftygirl
    I would agree with Prodigal. As someone who's in one right now...I can tell ya' it is hard. Gonna be even harder because I hafta move and I'll be even further from him. We have met in person on many occasions and I know beyond a shadow of a doubt he is worth anything and everything I might have to do to be with him finally where we are either living together or in the same city.
    LDR's are really hard because, with me being in a few, I've found out that it's hard to trust. If I had to guess, prolly 99% of 'em are based on fantasy. I've wrapped myself and my life around them before... and I've lost.

    Friendship is like peeing your pants, everyone can see it, but only you can feel the true warmth.

  12. #12
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    Not something I'd persu to be honest.

    Quote Originally Posted by Spencer
    Converse, you are exceptional value on this forum.

  13. #13
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    online relationships should be more like friendships..how can you have a romantic relationship with someone you have never met? If you meet someone online you can fall head over heels for what the person is typing but then again they have a bit of time to think about every little word they say or have a friend helping them out. Its better to break the ice online and then actually meet up. There are lots of sites that are more activity based so that way if you are nervous about first dates you at least are going to be going somewhere that you both enjoy. One of the sites is macthactivity.com, its a fairly new site but its giving away one year free premium...

  14. #14
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    Here Is Something To Think About

    Alrighty where to start, it's already been proven people who start out online and have known each other over 1 yr and then decide to meet have a 70% higher chance than someone you can meet in person, let me ask you this, when you love someone what does the internet offer that a RL relationship doesn't? you use you're words to talk, you use text to talk, vocials are a form of words and words which converted too text, people who have no luck with online relationships lack the imagination it takes, the only thing you can't do with a net relationship is touch, feel, sexual activities, but it all pays off in the end, here is something to think about, when you love someone does you're heart leave you're body? some say love in triggered from the mind, does you're brain leave you're body? of course not you would be dead, people can put there actions into practice, this doesn't require much thought/imagination, so i wouldn't expect you're g/f or b/f to do anything special for you unless they get the idea from somewhere else, a lot of people who give you advice how much online relationships suck, usually because they have been burnt themself or because they see it as the losers way of getting a g/f or b/f it only shows their ignorance, and also the simple fact is they don't understand it but will be happy too talk complete shit about it, becareful where you ask for you're advice, it's ultimately up too you which world you think you belong in, the net or RL, the great thing about the net is the physical side of the relationship is cut out, no more dating for looks, internet relationships are built with emotions and trust, if you can go threw a internet relationship and it works well for you at the end when you finally meet, you're relationship has just passed the ultimate test, online relationships take patients, committment, a lot of people don't seem to understand that nor have either, another topic, cybersex or just cyber for short, like sex in RL it can be a thing of beauty like art, or it can be rough and short basicly plain(not saying there is anything wrong with this), cybering is exactly the same thing, you can make it an art or you can make it as tastless as you want, remember you're relationship no matter whether it be online or RL, you're imagination plays a huge part to keep any kind of relationship alive, use you're mind and heart as one and make the right decision for you, take care, i hope everything works out for you
    Last edited by cless_alvein; 01-11-06 at 12:56 PM.

  15. #15
    vashti's Avatar
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    Have you been drinking and posting?
    Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?

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