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Thread: Need Help With Go Steady

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Need Help With Go Steady

    Hi everyone im somecoolguy22, lol i could not think of anything when i made the name and yes i also realize i had bad spelling in the title. Anyways i was hopeing someone would be able to help me with a girl i really like i would really appreciate if someone would actually take the time to read this and help me. I also apologize in advance for this whole thing not exactly fitting together directly, i tend to ramble on alot.

    I just need some advice for going steady with this girl. I realize girls are not all the same but any advice would help. I am around 6' have thick brown hair and blue eyes. I am not unattractive and am not untidy or dirty. Acne is also not an issue with me as i dont have any. The girl i like is a little shorter has an attactive body, true blonde hair, cute face, and character but to me its just about the outside although some beaty is definately necassary in my opinion

    I often talk to her on msn but when it comes to talking in person it gets difficult because of her friends. We both have friends who are popular at school and both of us have other more unpopular friends. I am confident enough to ask her out when comes time but it is definatly not the right time to. We often share alot in common but i feel sometimes that i bore her when we do talk. All the other times we seem to connect and have alot in common. Also, at the last school dance we seemed to connect when we were grinding and we both had a good time dancing together that night.

    I try and show support and flirt with her when we talk but this is my real downfall: what to say when and how to interpret what others, or specifically she, says back to me and how to respond to it.

    I want to know how to get to know her better and possibly how to talk to her and get her to know me. I have gone steady with someone for a month once and after that we remained good friends so im not completely oblivious. Could anyone possibly, after reading my situation offer some things to talk to her about to help get to know each other? or even just general advice?


  2. #2
    King Zarathu's Avatar
    King Zarathu Guest
    Step #1: Quit being a pussy.

    Step #2: Make sure you performed step #1 correctly.

    Step #3: Make sure you performed step #2 correctly.

    Step #4: Grow testicles.

    Step #5: "Hey you! If you have anything going on on " + $date + " then cancel your plans. I'm taking you to " + $place + " and anything other than 'Yes master, take me away!' is the wrong answer and will earn you an F."

    Step #5a: If she says no, rape her.

    Step #5b: If she says yes, rape her anyway.

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