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Thread: Girls I need your advice on the matter...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    Girls I need your advice on the matter...

    Hi Girls

    Right I think your going to love this little episode.

    I was on dating site, and in march I got shown a interest by a nice girl. I did reply and nothing. So I signed off. In Aug I got a email from the site so I went back in, but I had to check this girl again she was one that stuck in my mind of over 400 that showed interest.
    Now she's Czech I was going there anyway to see friends and as it happend I tried to mail this girl and I had to sign up, I only sign up just to see once more.

    POW next day I get a life story via email, the next day, so I logged on and chatted with her, from 8.30pm till 4am. The next day I was in Czech we met up and she said from the very first moment she saw me she knew.
    Yes I slept with her that night, and couple of days later.
    There was a time when both of us was outside and even the night before, hours between us just dispeared even while sitting outside Tescos for 4 hours.
    When I arrived home we chated daily from 4 - 8 hours a day, we wanted it to be, in this time she did send me in the excess of 200 photos of her self to me.

    She then arrived in the UK and she would not leave me alone. She got her job in london, we had spoke that she would live there for 6 months then move into my town, as she had a job there it was as if it was all ready.
    I could not wait to be honest then, we went camping over a weekend which she really enjoyed so she tells me, don't laugh girls. Then we went out over the course of time and I called her in the evening's I tried to give her space but then she's telling me she missed my texts in the morning.

    I was on the phone with her and she asked if I could get her a TV which I thought she was going to pay me at first for I got a 34 inche TV for the appartment. Any I drove through london to pick it up etc, then as we got close she is telling me she can't wait to be with me hold me in bed. So I moved her accross london with all her stuff.

    When we got to the new appartment I cooked, and then we slept with each other, I fell asleep as it was 1am and I was up at 5am the night before. Anyway I woke up in the night to try and show her some affection, I was pushed away, and I tried in the morning same and then she stormed out that all I want is one thing, which is not true considing we have not been together every night in this way. I sat down and spoke with her she thought I was going to get up and walk out. But I did not.

    Time goes on for a bit and then I gets a email from her saying can I see her as I need to talk to you about some thing, thats the one line I hate I must say. So I go there and collect her from work I cook dinner then she says, I got something to tell you I can't see you any more.

    Hmm I thought and why whats the reason, I don't have time, as I have study and your be upset because you can't see me, I said I can see you cook watch TV you can be in the same house can you not, and so we went to bed cuddled up and slept. Next Day I get a email saying I can't see you any more. So I go to see her, as she walked accross the bridge I gave her a hug and helped her with the bags she was carrying. We sat down she said your going to change my mind again, I said no I going to show you something, so I pulled out all the 200 photo's I have massive bundle, she said what are these, these are all the photos you mailed me, I said may be I am not reading this right but I have never had a girl send me so many photo's of herself to me, and I showed her the photos of us on that day when time pasted by, and showed her some of the things she wrote to me, I said what am to believe as everything you wrote has made me to feel the way I feel now, I told her then that I was in love with her. She replied why did you not tell me before. Because I was to scared to. But I know I am in deep because of how I feel now. So we went to bed she cuddled up to me and said I am sorry, I replied don't do it any more hun.

    The next day she was going to work then on to Czech for a biopse, anyway she texted me hello darling I have arrived etc, and later in the week she texted me what I was doing, and then 2 days later when she was coming home I SMS her to arrange collection, and she emails me again that she can't see me any more, and not to go to see her etc. I thought OK and what about my stuff that was in the house, am I just to write it off, any way I was replying that I will deal with this when I speak with you in a nice way never argued only talked which was nice. So then I write another long email, and she replied totally different, as I said I want to understand. She replied that she's pregnant by another man, married whom she had been with a couple of times over the last year, and that they have decided to give it a try and he has told his wife. Then she SMS's me that she was 13 weeks on the 31/10/06. Now please forgive girls I a guy here and I have female friends that have fell pregnant when the not ment to. So if I am correct that this goes back to the 1st Aug she could bleed up to day 7 only giving from 8 -19 when it happened. As I was with her on 20-22 as sperm can live up to max 7 days this would give me a 33% chance of that month in coverage, if you get my meaning.

    So I drove over to see her I was not angry hurt more than anything and wanting the information how where and why. As I don't want to think that I may be the father, if she goes back. She came over and sat in the car she was shaking, well her hand where not quite sure cold or fear to be honest so I started the car to warm her up. I tried to ask her about the baby she says it's 100% not mine, and said that she was with him 3 weeks before me, so may be that's where she gets the 13 weeks from, I did ask if she had a scan, and then stormed out of the car. Now I will add that when all the emails was coming through I felt used, as I had done nothing for it to happen and so I left a voice mail for her indicating that's fine I collect my stuff and you can pay me what you owe me, which I think is fair. I don't know what she was thinking at the time I just do all of the things for fun, etc. So she stormed out after I ask about the scan. Then she got some of my things not all, as even the sim's mine LOL, so she brought some things down and I asked her can you tell me why you think I should pay please, she did not really reply to that, only saying that I could sell it and get my money back, but then I did reply but it's not my problem because you just dumped me, so why should I do anything now. So I mentioned are you going to pay the money. She replied I don't have the money broke down and cried saying I can't help I fell pregnant. As she run upstairs. I did follow and gentle tapped as when I saw her cry it hurt me. She also mentioned please don't spoil the nice thing we have between us.

    Now you may think I am totally wrong here, and that may be said ok yeah see ya, now that's some whom does not care. And as she has not really put any investment money wise it does not matter, however I have and you do tend to get tired of paying out all the time. If there's say a vaild reason I can accept you know and there was no reason why we could not have stayed friends at least concidering what I have done.

    Now she does seem to be having major mood swings and it was only a couple of weeks back when we was in eastbourne that she felt sick, and need to wee alot. On the 19th she went to clinic I thought it was for this other thing she was having done. It's some medical centre not a doctors.

    Now my heads in a real mess. But this is the thing if she had told me in the beginging that she was preganant I would have told her what ever the outcome I will be there for you, and if it some elses I will rasie it as my own, now it takes a strong person to say that male or female. But I really love her, but I also don't wanna be taken for a mug either and that's the problem now.

    I wrote to her explaining that this man cheated on his wife so he could do the same to her, and its not a relationship you had but a affair, and the other thing is he may not want to be with you then your a single mother. Now I would like to think that we get on and that she would have a better chance with me if she decided to accept me in that way.

    So I really don't know, now.......

    Girls what you think, is this one big game, of mind game.
    Or is it for real since i don't think you would like to be in the position of not knowing that the baby is not yours.

    I did think to send her some flowers then, meet up with her in the hope to talk about it again, and then ask if she would do a preganacy test, which is not hard, then it would make things a little easier in my head, in short she not taking me for a mug and it's error that's happened, if you see my point.

    Well I hope you have enjoyed the reading, please let me know what you think.

    Many thanks Wayne

  2. #2
    vashti's Avatar
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    I don't think this girl loves you. Don't you think you'd be better off with someone who does?

    If I were you, I'd be hoping this baby isn't yours.
    Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    Maybe you right.. or wrong

    I am not sure, it could be that shes tore, as she did not want things between us to go wrong.

    Here is the email she sent

    "Ok Wayn, I tell you the true, so you can understand whats going on and you will understand my situation. I dont want you to think that you are the reason we split up. I thought all this my new situation is nothing to do with you, so I wanted to keep you out of it. But as I see, that would be better to tell you. Noone knows, just my mum and him.
    Im pregnant with someone else, who I did see few times last year. He is not single, so I did not take it seriously. I also did not want to break his family, so I wanted to find someone to be with and build my life with someone else.
    All that happened so quickly and it did shock me. Im sure now for 100 percent. This thing changes everything. Whole my life is going to turn around. I did see him and talked it all through. We decided to try to be together. He did tell his wife and they breaking up. That was just question of time, theirs relationship did not work for few years anyway. He wants to be with me and I want to be with him, he is going to be father of my child and thats going to be for the rest of my life, so I think this decision is right. Im not telling you all this because I want to share it with someone, but because I dont want you to be feeling that you did something or because Im lost in my life. Im not, I was just confused what to do and what to say, and if to keep the baby, if to get together with him, move back to czech and all the rest. But Im old and need to keep it, and Im looking forward to it now. I hope you will try to understand me.

    Of course you will get your belongings back. Would be ok for you to meet up on Saturday? M"

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    There's the SMS report

    And here's the SMS Report.

    Marcela SMS Report

    09:20:21 31-10-2006
    Im 13 weeks that the thing and was bleeding, so did not noticed wright at the start. I just listen all ur voicemails, u want money from me? U can take ur belongings and ur TV back after I come back. M.

    08:46:55 31-10-2006
    It’s none of your business, its not not urs, don’t worry. Im not gona discuss it with u any more. C u on Sat. Will meet somewhere in town if u don’t mind. M.

    17:57:50 28-10-2006
    Hello babe, I didn’t have operation. Im going 2 have biopsy on Monday. Im in brothers with mum and his half. Did u catchsthhng? Take Care xxX

    12:22:29 27-10-2006
    Hello hello I was sleeping already. Need u 2 texting me and me 2 text you from virgin, Im going 2 finidh my Czech contract 2day. What u up 2 2day Fishing? xxx

    12:38:16 25-10-2006
    Darling Im here, horrible way, took longer again. Will visitBrother now take care xxx

    16:07:47 24-10-2006
    Hello babe, hope u welk. Im fine, work was ok, just going into town. U take care here and will text u whan Ill get to Prague. Take care xxx

    01:23:55 22-10-2006
    Im fine babe, just got to bed now. Im very tired. Good nite c u 2morrow xxx

    16:49:11 21-10-2006
    Hi babe, Im fine thanks. Had 2 get bus in morning. Work is fine, no bosses here. Will meet lucy after work. U take care babe, have nice evening xxx

    18:56:59 19-10-2006
    Was in metro, now going to DLR. Ive eaten. xxx

    18:17:44 19-10-2006
    Im sorry took me bit lojnger, just got to train, will be home at 20:00. Don’t worry bout cooking having something home, I’m fine, thanks, c u later xxx

    10:49:31 19-10-2006
    Thanks babe.I have appointment in few hours, justgoing to pick up my charger to Salvo. I will let u know when Im back. Need 2 go to bank and shops too. Take Care xx

    23:54:59 17-10-2006
    Good mite babe. Have a nice sleep xxx

    17:13:55 16-10-2006
    Thank u babe, that’s great. Thinking of u too. XxX

    22:22:25 13-10-2006
    U probably still working on ur car. Hope u ok. Im going bed now. Have a good sleep and I’m looking 4ward 2 c u xxxxxxxxx

    21:53:40 13-10-2006
    Babe u alife? What time will u come? Xxxxxxxxxx

    17:33:17 13-10-2006
    Hello babe, did u send me sms? I did get some empty one. Can U resend it please Xxx

    22:51:32 12-10-2006
    Good nite babe, just letting u know that I can’t wait 2 Saturday and wake up next 2 U xxxxxxxx

    23:36:14 11-10-2006
    Hello babe, how u doing? U still busy with ur work? The address is ******. And we don’t need parking permit. Just wanted to wish u a good nite babe, missing u xxx

    15:21:20 10-10-2006
    Wayn im sorry I can’t hear u, just going 2 underground. I need some free time 4 myself, that’s all.

    00:11:55 09-10-2006
    I was lucky god the last train to Edware. Im nearly home. Babe I look 4ward 2 be with u too. Just the whole nite of hardcore sex worier me. I think nice2 *some text missing*

    00:11:58 09-10-2006
    *some text missing * hours will do ;0) and nice coudle is what I look 4wart to as well. Good nite Xxx

    23:35:40 09-10-2006
    Im not going, I rather C u on we than 2moz.

    23:29:20 09-10-2006
    Baby I will not go with girls Wednesday 4 that coffee, could u come wed instead of Tue it’s just Im too tired, Id sleep just 4 hours again, that’s why Im ill and cold all the time, just feel shit. On thu I wovldnt have 2 get up that early XxX

    18:59:46 09-10-2006
    Just going to the supermarket, was at gym. Will b home 9, u can call on landline at 9 if your free. Xxx

    10:10:50 08-10-2006
    Good morning babe, just got to work. Tana isn’t coming she is ill again. Im all packed and waiting to move, will cook u something  U found mob. I see R u still coming 2day? Where shall would u like 2 go? Sending U lots kisses xxx

    18:40:30 07-10-2006
    Hello hello, thought U not talking 2 me. Hope we move on Tue. I work Tomor. Too we off on Thu. Ive be en in Camden town and might go with others to salsa club learn how to dance salsa. What have U been doing? xxx

    16:17:03 06-10-2006
    Hello babe, how u doing? R u b free tomorrow? Missing me? Xxx

    01:57:08 06-10-2006
    Good nite darling, how u doing? Going to bed too? Need to get internet, so can talk 2 u. Have a nice sleep and hope 2 C U soon xxx

    14:54:18 05-10-2006
    Hello babe, just in train 2 work, did top up while ago. What I did wrote in message was thanking u 4 lift to reading and 4 the TV, it’s nice from u. Im glad u trying keep urself busy, hope it will go all well. Missing u xxx

    17:10:28 02-10-2006
    Baby thank u again 4 ur help and TV. I know it was a pain and also that we couldn’t feel free in eds place, he is being funy. Cand wait to move out of that place, don’t feel confortable there XxX

    13:43:20 29-09-2006
    Hello myska, I look 4wart 2 b with u too and coudle up 2 u and touch u and much more xxx C u Soon xxx

    21:17:42 27-09-2006
    Hello myska. We did get the flat. Moving on Sat 7. I also joined gym close to my work Starting 2morrow. Have to move my bum, otherwise I’m gonna get bigger ;o) Im on my way home, can’t wait to hold u whole night and wake up next 2 u. Soon darling. xxx

    19:56:30 26-09-2006
    My dog died 2day, can u phone me on landline pl.

    19:07:51 26-09-2006
    Hello baby, how u doing? Did u get the car? We got the apartment, its luxury, will move 7.10 Miss ur messages xxx

    06:52:36 25-09-2006
    Good morning babe, just got to work thought I send u message 2 proofe I think about u ;0) ur plan is good, but can we do it fri-sat? XxXxxXxxXxX

    00:44:56 24-09-56
    Good nite babe, Ive just came, was nice. Thought of U, U have a nice dream bot us :-) xxx

    08:14:48 23-09-2006
    Hello babe, Im in train now, looking 4ward 2 C U. Pl.dont forget my shoes and jacket with trouser, thank u XXX

    18:38:27 15-09-2006
    Why shall I wait one? Is that direct one at 19:00 taking long time How long it takes?

    17:01:35 28-09-2006
    Honey could u send me that E111 to this address please. I need to tomor. Off. 70 Parkhill Road, London, NW32YT thanks U a lot and how r u? What you up 2? XxX

    19:32:03 25-09-2006
    Hello from smelly dull London, im home now, just had a Chinese in Camden town will go sleep, Im tired so much. Let me know how is car if u got it xxx lav ya xxx

    13:39:01 25-08-2006
    Hello myska, did u have a nice dream than? What me there? How u doing back home, what u up2? I will have camera on MON, cait wait to c u! Missing ur company xxx

    16:14:10 24-08-2006
    Presies :o) thank u, can’t wait. Ur cock is pointing all the :o) Maybe even now at ur duck ;0) Enjoy ur lunch and have a safe jorney myska, kissing U xxx

    00:02:11 24-08-2006
    Hello darling, Tana wasn’t on ICQ, so I don’t know more than we have some flat and I god the job, which r good news 4 me and relief really. Im sure that you and I r gonna sort any problem we might have like traveling, We can b together weekends and some days during the week and stay till morning or we find some solution and will go from there. Missing u a lot, sweet dreams myska xxx

    20:56:23 23-08-2006
    Oi oi Oi ;o) I am just going into bath and wish to have u in that bath with me like yesterday  I am missing u already and hardly believe what happened between us. Just feels so right and Im all smiley because of u xxx Wish to visper nice words into ur ears xxx

    14:46:08 22-08-2006
    So take the train R 803 at 16:52 to PARDUBICE From the same station like me yesterday. U will come c on if it has delay, let me know if yes. Buy return ticket (in Czech it’s called – ZPATECNI  and I will wait 4 u at the train stop at 18:16. There are only two stops between: Praha –Liben and Kolin. Looking 4ward to C U :0) xxx

    13:58:11 22-08-2006
    Will b nice to c u , I don’t want u to think I don’t want to c u, Id love to, it’s just that I need 2 pass it to finish this year and it’s the hardest exam in last 3 years ;0( I didn’t pass onec already. But would b nice 2 C u 4 a while at least. PARDUBICE hlavni nadrazi. I will text u in sec. Timetable XxX

    10:51:43 22-08-2006
    Good morning, Id love to see U, but I am going to see a teacher and get another private lesson, Monday I do that last exam. Need study more ;o( will c u in England 3 weeks roll over as u said :o) xxx

    21:27:41 21-08-2006
    Hello , I did for 2 hours, not much. I do study now, but will try 2 go to bad b4 midnight. I keep thing about u and last night  Was nice and exciting. Hope ur friends r ok and u having nice time. Enjoy ur evening and lots XxXxXxXxX :0)

    So there is some interesting reading for you and when I asked her did she care the answer was yes.

    Many thanks Wayne I look forward to your replys

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