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Thread: Girl at work

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Girl at work

    Hi, im new here. Didnt really want to make a whole thread to introduce myself, so i thought i would just put it in here. now that i got that outta the way, theres this girl at work i kinda like. i used to have a crush on her a while back, but when i transfered to working nights, i never saw her so my mind kinda pushed her to the backburners. the past couple of weeks i had to come in to work for some training classes, and she happened to be at a couple of them. well, seeing her again kinda sparked my crush back up. i know her name, but we never talked, except for maybe a good morning/night as we pass bye. i have always been shy my whole life, and even worse with girls. its hard to try to show any interest, because theres a bunch of people where i work that know both of us, so i know id take crap from them for it. anyone have a descreet way of talking to her on myspace or if i happen to come to work during the day? thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Dating someone you work with: Bad idea
    MySpace: Bad idea
    Attempting discretion while trying to turn a crush into a relationship: Good idea, but difficult to pull off.

    If you're actually worried about catching crap from coworkers about liking her, maybe you're not ready to be asking girls out.
    Spammer Spanker

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Whats up man? How old are the two of you. Also its never smart hooking up with a girl from work. It can cause a lot of problems, trust me. Still curiosity gets the best of us in these type of situations. I suggest you go slow, real slow. If she's smart she wont want to have anything to do with you, cause you're a co-worker. If she bites try taking her out for coffee, or something simple like that. It's not to forward and it gives you a chance to get to know her and visa versa. Exchange numbers then wait. Let her make the move. Let her call. Keep casual conversation at work and just wait and see what happens. Once you become to forward kiss it all goodbye. You don't want to make her feel uncomfortable at all. Just keep it simple and let her draw the pace.

    Laters hope that helped.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    thanks for the replys. i know what our saying about not getting involved with co-workers. although, it shouldnt get to awkward at work, seing as i work security graveyard shifts, and she works during the day as retail (we work in an amusement park). as for ages, im 20, and i think she is...18. not positive on that though

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Man, why do you care about what your co-workers might say?

    You like the girl, right?

    So just get a casual conversation going, and ask her out (but not to directly... don't tell her "wanna go out with me?" or that kind of stuff).

    Try to get to know her, and get closer to her.

    You don't have to tell any thing to other co-workers, but there is no reason to be ashamed of love!

    Love is the most wonderful and beautiful thing there is, so there is no need to hide it.

    I don't think that the fact you are co-workers should be a reason for you not to go out with her.

    I think that that's not bad, but on the contrary, it could make things easier, because you have a reason to spend time with her.

    So just go for it!

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