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Thread: Friend needs help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Friend needs help

    A good friend of mine has been going out with this girl for three, or nearly three years now. They seemed to be great together. They're both great people. Or so, she seemed good. I really liked her too, she was a really cool person and was easy to get along with. Unfortunately, before I ever met the guy she cheated on him, but either she told him that she didn't go all the way or that's what they both tell everyone because they'd like to bury the past. Well the past came back and bit him in the ass.

    She's grown distant from him as of late and has admitted to liking another guy for a year now. She wants to break up and date this other guy, but she hasn't officially told him that that's what's going to happen. He knows what she wants thanks to her telling him some stuff, and me the rest. She's been ignoring him the past few days, I don't know why, she apparently has her mind made up, but isn't telling him crap. Why? I don't know. It only brings him more pain and he's done nothing to deserve what she's giving him. Unlike her, he never cheated on her, he never felt the desire too.

    So he called her up again today and told her that he wants to talk to her. I'm not sure he is even hoping to get her back, but I do know that he wants an explanation. She was pissed at him for call her at work and told him when she got off. So, he went up there an hour early to wait for her. However, he found her car there but not her. She got out two and a half hours earlier than she said, and left her car there. From materials found in her car, it's apparent that she is either already, or preparing to cheat on him again. Now he's feeling worse than he ever has in his life, and I'm at my wits end on how to help him. Their relationship can't be saved, that I'm sure of, but I would like to help him somehow.

    EDIT: Well, I just found out that she stopped by his house, talked about I don't know what with him since I wanna give him some time first. I do know for a fact though that he's now single. Now he's really going to need some assistance in getting over this.
    Last edited by Tribulation; 23-04-07 at 10:59 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    I'm in a situation of a similar nature. And to be honest, I really don't know how to help him. I don't know the details of the situation but it seems to me, that he loves her.. and its not returned. Worse than that, she showed she had no respect for him.

    I know all too well what its like to be in love with someone who doesn't love/respect you. It's the worst pain on this earth. The only advice I can give is to not let your friend be alone. I know from my case, that all the time spent alone, is when the thoughts really start to eat your soul.

    You seem like a good friend. The world needs more like that.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    I know what you mean about loving and not being loved in return. She really seemed like she did love him. I believe that she did at at least one long period. On another note, he seems to be doing better today. It's going to take him some time to get over it I know but at least I can go over whenever I feel like it as he lives a few yards away. She told him she still wants to be friends but I don't think it'd work. I told him to not jump on the idea right away and luckely he said he'll wait until she talks to him (which could be a long time).

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