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Thread: The grim dark days of...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    The grim dark days of...


    Hi all,I am new here & have decided to try my hand @ getting some advice on a little problem I have.

    During my years of high school,I was forced to transfer to a private school in the late 10'th/11'th grade.
    This transfer did no good for my self esteem & I had to deal with bitter bouts of being the new kid & my own shyness.
    Besides the fact I met a wonderful girl there that accepted me for who I was & amazed me with her personality & good looks.I got her cell number & sms'ed her about various things...
    Wrote letters & poems...
    Even a nice long goodbye letter when we seperated ways from High School...

    I never asked her out or told her about my feelings.We still sms'ed on the odd occasion & I was just happy to know that she existed...

    You know the scene,one of those people that are like an angel, that you meet once in a life time,you know can never be yours.I just managed to get her cell number.

    We have been smsing for the past 3 odd years now...

    My problems are as follows...

    Recently she asked me whether or not I was crushing on her in an sms.
    After some denial on my part & her fingering me for my emotions on hers,I had to fes up that I have a crush on her.She didn't seem any bit *different*,she even said that it was kind of cute in a weird way...

    My problem is I am worried that she thinks that I am like that guy from " Something About Mary".Another idiot to trip over.That she doesn't want to heart my feelings or worse.
    To make matters worse,I am leaving the country in a few days time with the possibility of getting a job overseas.

    The absolute worse thing she could do is say that she loves me too.My brain would implode with such information...
    Even though the chances are slim...

    Graaaaah! I think I am having a panic attack,no.No,it's just neural arrest.

    *Thud* - The sound of a hopeless mook falling over from Neural Arrest.

    What do I do,
    what do I do,
    WhAt Do i dO!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    You settle down, Beavis. She opened up a topic of conversation. Do you want to pursue it?
    Spammer Spanker

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Oh hell yeah,thing is I am chicken-sh*t of rejection.Also I've done the typical nice guy thing & put her on a pedestal...
    She's so damn high,I can't even smoke enough weed or LSD to get that high.
    I also try my hardest to leave my emotions out of my judgment.
    That's why I am on this forum in the first place.
    I want to run blindly to her...Thing is I think a bus might hit me in the process...

    P.S. I don't do drugs,but have seen the hilarities of those who do.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    I have yet to witness the hilarity of someone smoking LSD, but that's another story...

    I think you should run your chicken ass right out in front of that bus. Life is too short and too hard not to take chances that might, by even the tiniest chance, result in happiness.

    Do it.
    Spammer Spanker

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Now all I have to do is find her;
    Stalk her;
    Pass myself off as a perfectly normal person;
    & give her my undying shrimpy & gooey love.

    Wait,maybe I should give her chocolates with the gooey shrimp or first try to establish if she has a new boyfriend?
    She broke up a few weeks ago...
    I sent her a poem & it did not bode well... ( Her breakup + her mistaking my poem being his = LOTS OF TEARS!!! )
    She is also sooooooo encrypting with her messages...


    I might as well be a decapitated chicken at this rate!!!
    Last edited by Chimeros0; 26-04-07 at 03:56 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    *Vroom* - *Splat*

    Crash 'n Burn...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Anybody want a drumstick? heh heh.

    Why did you not make it clear who the poem was from, you silly jackass? God, what a cock-up (so to speak).

    Anyway, you're wiggling around on the ground in front of her with your belly up like a dog. Stop this at once. It's not attractive. It does not say, "Me big strong caveman!"

    Man up and call her. Ask her how she's doing. Talk about her feelings. Chicks dig that.
    Spammer Spanker

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Thanks Giga, the force is strong in your advice...
    I have never been in this type of scenario, so I just flipped my wig.
    The whole "Me big strong caveman!" thing kinda makes sense...

    Right,chin up!
    Back straight...
    Cricket bat in hand ( since I couldn't find a decent club ).

    Wait,is the "club" thing to whack her over the head if she rejects me or is it just for the caveman look...
    Hmmm,either way,I have to do something creative...

    Going to call her today...
    I'll update a little later...

    P.S. My name was @ the end of the poem,but somehow it reminded her of her ex.You know how it is...
    By the way,can I have that half eaten piece back? I kinda need it to walk properly...
    Last edited by Chimeros0; 26-04-07 at 03:24 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Sorry,my cap was reached for the month & had to move base for internet...
    But,the advice Giga gave me worked!
    We spent about half an hour on the phone talking...
    Just talking,remembering & laughing...
    I never thought in my life I would ever spend so long on a phone.
    Guess there's a first time for everything.
    I love this feeling...I just don't want to go overboard & scare her away...

    How many times a week is still sane to phone a person???

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2005
    I like your style of writting, you seem really nice.

    Hope it all works out!

    Quote Originally Posted by Spencer
    Converse, you are exceptional value on this forum.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    That's wonderful! I think it's sane to call her every few days until you get closer, then reevaluate where you're at in your relationship.
    Spammer Spanker

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Yay,internet again.
    My cap got reset asof the begining of the month,so Iam back...

    As for my reply:
    OK,I'll try to keep my eagerness in a brown paper bag.
    That way I don't seem "too much" when I do phone her...
    It is so hard to wait...

    I feel like I am going to explode!!!
    - LOL,chicken nuggets anyone... -
    Last edited by Chimeros0; 01-05-07 at 04:26 PM.

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