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Thread: What the Hell

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    What the Hell

    Any one can see how my problem started by[URL=http://loveforum.net/showthread.php?s=&threadid=1756&perpage=15&pagenum ber=2]looking here[/URL]. A while ago i hade a half naked picture of britney spears on my phone. my girlfriend got really upset with it. i deleted the picture. then one day while screwing around wiht the verizon website and my phone i resent the picture. forgetting to delete it she saw it and all hell broke lose. when ever she brings this topic up she starts to knit pick at all my flaws and usally breaks up wiht me. saying i dont respect her and so on.everything was going very good for a little while and then last night she brings up the whole picture thing from like two months ago and started to say she want to find some one she wont have problems with. then se said some pretty ****ed up shit to me like im a loser and such because i dont fully have my act strait. we broke up many times and always got back together. i feel like last night was really it. i dont know what to say. i really want to continue the relationship or atleast wait a week untill i move back to ny to make this decision. what should i do?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Forgive me if I don't understand, but why the hell would you want to continue this relationship? It's completely unstable with the multiple breakups, she's freaking out and seems to flip out over stuff, she yells and calls you a bunch of (what'd you call it? oh yeah) "****ed up shit". Why are you even in this? Seriously, if a girl did this shit once, I'll probagly give her a second chance. But she does this often according to you. It's stupid to be in this. This isn't a "relationship" at all. This is just you being afraid of being alone.

    Dump her.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    i really want to continue the relationship
    Yeah. WHY? What is so good about this particular relationship that you're holding on to it? (Honestly, please.)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Somewhere over the rainbow
    I can't see anything good coming out of this relationship. Why would you want someone who treats you like shit. You deserve better. Go out there and find someone who deserves you and respects you.
    "Experience is the name every one gives to their mistakes."

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    yea your right. its just really hard because ive been with her so long. im prob not make the picture fully clear because theyre are some good things about her and some really good times with our relationship. its just really hard to let go. does anyone have any ideas how not to go crazy? thanks for the help by the way

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    does anyone have any ideas how not to go crazy?
    Get rid of the source of your craziness. For you, it's her. For me, it was bad vaccuum cleaners.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    List the good things please. Concrete good things. Can you say something *good* about her that you genuinely like her for?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    shes korean and shes awsome in bed. and she help direct me sometimes to have a better future. like when i took my insurance test i failed and she wrote up a study plan for me and helped me study. shes also very beautiful. i get this feeling that when im with her i dont want to be with anyone else. if i got out wiht my friends just for one night i have a miserable time because im not wiht her. it prob is time to stop all this but like its hard. were broken up right now and she said she wanted to see if she really loves me or if shes just used to being with me. she appologized for all the shit she said the other night and said she was tired and cranky plus shes on the rag right now. shes supposed to hang out wiht one of her single friends and some guy her friend is hooking up wiht and a bunch of his friends. im so confused and it hurts so much. shes call me says she loves me. i just dont get it. if she hangs out wiht these guys tonight which i dont think she will but if she does its really over im just gonna pick up the pieces of my hear and deal with it. i dont know what to do or say. its like some times shes so caring for me and like we're on the same page and then other times i just dont know.

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