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Thread: So messed up

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    So messed up

    Alright heres my story. A long time ago i met this girl. She was a step-sister to a girl in my grade. We never really talked or saw eachother because she still lived with her real mom and not her step. Well times for her got bad and she moved in with her real dad. This meant she would now be going to my school. She had always secretly liked me from the day we met and i never really thought much of her. When she came to our school, she was disliked and didnt have much friends. Being the jerk and immature kid i used to be, i too went along with the crowd and did the same. Then she started being like and eventually i gave into and started dating her. It was very quick, lasted only a couple weeks. This girl was head over heels for me and i just threw her out like an old newspaper and thought nothing of it. But about 2 years ago, we started talking and becoming good friends. Then we started dating once again. She had never gotten over me and i still only sort of liked her but never really wanted anything serious. Well, after that we had a fight. And she had a bad situation when she lived with her mother and so she was a very bad student and got poor grades at her old school and this was one of the reasons no1 liked her. Well i decided that i no longer wanted to have anything to do with her so i started making fun of her about this. I was talking to her on msn and her father saw my name and thought it was not suitable for me or her to see. I am not the type of person that listens to people outside of my family. I'm like what the heck i dont care about her anymore, so me and him got into it. And he told her she could never talk 2 me again. Months passed and for some reason i started talking to her again. She talked to me even though her father probidded it and we quickly hit it off. We became very good friends. Finally her father gave in and she was allowed to talk with me again. Well, i was bored one day so i did a little prank to her house(wont mention). And her father saw me do it and he chased me down and had a talk with me. Now i know for a fact he hates me but lately have been feeling that i am in love with her. We can talk for hours non-stop, talking about absolutely everything and not get the least bit embarrassed. We enjoy all the same hobbies and everything. It seems like we are perfect for eachother. But after all we have been through, i dont think i can find the guts to try and date her again. She is always giving me signs that she likes me but i'm not that much of an outgoing person. I'm more of the shy-guy but i have no idea what i should do. Can anyone please give me some advice?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Ramona, CA
    we always love what is forbidden when we are younger... I think that the fact her father doesnt like you too is subconciously egging you on.

    You may have real feelings for her don't get me wrong but I think you need to make sure that if you got her.. would you really be happy?
    "Remember always, that you not only have the right to be an individual, you have an obligation to be one."
    - - Eleanor Roosevelt
    " It's not who we are that holds us back, it's who we think we're not."
    - - Michael Nolan
    "...to love and lose, is better than not to love at all..." .... Lord, whats his name....
    " The world is big... I want to see all of it before it gets dark." -- John Muir

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    I know that if im with her i am going to be happy but what happens next? History repeats itself and i have a really short fuse. It always seems like if i get mad at some1, i take it out on her. But she always talks it out with me and in the end, it makes us stronger. But what if we did date? I no that i am going to lose my cool, dump her, do something stupid, and end up not talking to her and hating her. I am in such an awkward position.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    if you can recognize your anger problems why dont you get some help for yourself. It might bring about a change that is needed and eventually make your relationships stronger in that sense. Its nice and all oyu guys talk it out. but I think taking care of yourself should come first.

    sounds like you really like this girl...but evaluate what it is you really want.
    everything happens for a reason...beginning to wonder why.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    I'll see you on Jerry Springer! Give me a wave! lol.

    Sorry. But yeah it is messed up. In my opinion, you aren't mature enough to pursue this relationship. You've messed up plenty of times over stupid reasons. Pulling a prank on the house and running away from the father? How old are you? Just seems to me that if I were her, aside from now being a girl, I would've realized that you're not quite "the catch of the century" a long time ago. Grow up first, or find someone who'll go around egging houses WITH you.


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