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Thread: What Should I Do??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    What Should I Do??

    i've dated this girl for almost 2 years and a couple months ago she broke up with me because she said she needed space and felt like we were growing apart. I didn't feel this way at all, i thought we were still in love with each other. The last month of our relationship was kind of rocky because there was alot going on between are parents fighting back and fourth and she had 2 jobs so she was stressed. Because of my mom fighting with her mom i stopped going to her house for about 3 weeks which was really stupid of me 2 do now that i look back so she started coming to my dads more or we would go out. I remember sometimes she would say she doesnt like going out all the time but i still didnt go to her house and i regret doing that every single day. So one day she just decided 2 break up with me because she couldnt see us getting any better and she felt we were growing apart and she couldnt put any more energy into us. I was crushed and cried 4 days and i would always keep calling her and telling her how upset i was and i didnt understand why she left me and i was still in love with her. I also drove by her house sometimes which i know i shouldnt of been doing but i just missed so much and wanted 2 see if i could see her. One day on her my moms wedding night they had a party at the house and i drove by, and i saw her sitting on the porch with some guy with his arm around her and it was just those 2, I WAS PISSED!! and the next day i called her and asked her about this guy, she told me he was just a friend and that was it and they weren't seeing each and this was only 2 weeks after our break up. So i would keep calling her 2 talk about us and it didnt get any where and we would usually fight with each other so after 4 weeks of this i stopped calling her which is what she wanted me 2 do in the first place and gave her space. We go to the same college and i see her every monday wednesday and friday and we talk and we never fight anymore it feels really good, this has been goin on for a couple weeks now but the only thing is that she's still seein this guy who is 21 and she just turned 18 and they work at sears together thats how they met. She tells me they're not serious but shes says there is a possiblity they could be. I know she still loves me because when ever we talk she looks in my eyes alot and its the look she so give me when we were dating, she touches me when she doesnt have to for example she loves my hands because they're really soft so one day she just started rubbing them out of nowhere and the other day she was touching my hair because she said it was getting long and she always hugs me everytime we see each other and one day after she hugged me a held her hand and she held my hand back and it was for a good amount of time. So what should i do i've asking everyone for help and everyone gives good advice but i like to hear from as many people as possible so what so i do? do you think she still loves me? do you think her relationship with her co-worker is just a rebound relationship? and do you think we have any chance of getting back together?

    Thank you!
    Last edited by iwantherback; 28-09-07 at 01:15 AM. Reason: One more thing, She wants to be friends, should i still be friends with her?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    What part of "she's seeing someone else" gave you hope that she might get back together with you?

    I think you're torturing yourself. I think you're holding on to something that's already long gone. That relationship is over, no matter what hope you hold out for the future, it will never be the same.
    Spammer Spanker

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    "She tells me they're not serious but shes says there is a possiblity they could be."

    I'm listening from the outside in, and that statement clearly rings out that she IS seeing him more often than she may admit, and is just telling you that so it wont hurt you so bad. But her admission to saying it could be serious is a dead givaway. And she's only 18. Sorry to be rash but like they say (whoever they are) "got places to go and people to see".

    She's still growing. And so are you. So as hard as it is after such a long and comforting time, you really need to train your mind and emotions to accept that she's moving on and you need to as well.

    Stop torchering yourself, you deserve to feel better dont you think? Try, move on, keep busy and know that you deserve more than the 20% you may be getting from her when you see her etc.

    It's out there for you, just let it go and get what's next for you.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Personally I think your the rebound relationship.Sorry but I think she's just trying to let you down gently. Also you semm to come across as a bit clingy.Demanding what she was doing with another guy is showing her you don't trust her and will do nothing but annoy her.Loosen up!
    "Nobody , so long as he moves about among the chaotic currents of life , is without trouble. Carl jung

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    California Republic
    Don't distress. I don't think she would come back to you due to the parents fighting and stress situation.

    It is ok. I dunno, but try taking up hardcore philosophy. If you listen to hardcore death metal music it would also help.

    Good luck.
    Age 18 + Virgin + Forum = Random theoretics in posts

    Former banned usernames (from various online forums): ftheunion; Aintayankee;

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by ftheunion View Post
    but try taking up hardcore philosophy. If you listen to hardcore death metal music it would also help.

    what the hell?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    California Republic
    Ya, go ahead and keep a friendship like you have been.

    But as far as emotions and feelings, I would pull what Buddha did. Just give up all desire and (metaphorically) just fall backwards head first out of the airpline into a hardcore sky dive thing. Like taking your mind and put it in a cannon and send to the clouds. That might help. Buddha was hardcore. He meditated under a bodhi tree for 7 weeks, and then woke up and said "All is Dukka" (suffering).

    Or listen to Visceral Bleeding or Spawn of Possession. Definitely cool music.

    Good luck with her. I'd say it is okay to maintain the casual relationship, and still flirt or touch or whatever, but can't say what will become of it.
    Last edited by ftheunion; 05-10-07 at 02:38 AM. Reason: spelling
    Age 18 + Virgin + Forum = Random theoretics in posts

    Former banned usernames (from various online forums): ftheunion; Aintayankee;

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