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Thread: Strange problems

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Strange problems

    I just registred to this forum because im really confused and dont know how to handle things that are comming in my way.
    Ok first off im going to try to let you understand how i am so you can evaluate the situation a bit better.

    For the metrosexual things: Im male, people say i am attractive.
    And now for the real deal:
    Its hard for me to fall in love, but when i do i feel it so strong that i sometimes even myself belive it. I have fallen in love once before the following things happend.That time was a really hard time because she moved into another country and after a while it was too hard to deal with a long distance relationship because we loved eachother so much.My whole life i've felt like i can feel stronger and more extreme than other people. If a friend of mine gets hurt i feel just the way that he does, it's the same with love and all other feelings. Now because of this "abillity", i can sometimes get hurt real bad and think too much about what ive said , if i reacted wrong and so on.

    Now here is my problem:
    2 months ago i switched school and now im on a school with all my old friends and alot of people i know from before, so im having a really great time.

    First i didn't really see her, but after a week i started noticing a girl in my paralell class that i thought was really attractive and sweet looking, defenitly my type.
    But i ahd this problem, everytime i was trying to talk to her or was just around her, i got mute. I really couldnt talk, not because i didnt know what to say but just because i couldnt say it, i was just speechless from her sweetness and kindness and a lot more.
    In the next comming few days everytime i saw her and i could still save myself i would turn around and act like i didnt see her. I was so mad about myself because usually i dont have problems with girls and have been in a number of relationships. But the feeling was just so strange and extreme, just like the first time i fell in love.
    I managed to talk to her one day, just like "how are you?" and "Do you have plans for the weekend?"and thats it. The only other thing i did was giving her alot of eyecontact, but not too much so she wouldnt feel awkword(really bad spelled) about it.

    then 4 days ago i started to talk to her via. MSN messanger, and just chatting a bit. I really had no problems at all chatting with her, no hard feelings, no stops. But as soon as i saw her at school again i went mute. Next night i was sitting at my desk and drawing her name(im a graffiti artist) for 2 hours and i've still havent given it to her because i feel its to soon at she may get scared.

    So this big party was comming up (it was on last friday.) and i really wanted to tell her how i felt about her and ask if she felt the same way, so i asked her and her friends if they wanted to have a lil "beforeparty" at my place. She said yes at once at there we were, at my place. We had a good time and i managed to talk to her a bit and give her a beer. After that we went to the party and i talked to her the way long. At the party everyone was having a good time and i had eyecontanct with here alot.
    So i brang up the guts and asked her if we could go outside and talk, It was freezing so we took random jackets and went outside.
    There i told her everything, why i was mute that i wanted to get to know her and so on. She said that she wanted to get to know me better and liked me aswell. So after 15 min we went hand in hand inside again and hug eachother trillion times. At the evening i asked her for her phonenumber so we could do something together the next day.
    yesterday(oen day after the party) i called her after work and she said she wasnt alowed to go out because her parents are really protective and she was so long outside on friday. So i said okey but my heart wanted to explode because i rlly needed to see her, i went to a friend and got drunk..
    Today, i called her again for the hope of doing something together, but as yesterday, she had no time. Had to meet someone at the evening and family dinner and so on. So i rlly ask myself. Have i gone to faar? should i give her time ? should i just accept it ? what should i do ? i really need a plan, because after the call i have stayed in bed and thinking completly chaos. What are her feelings towwards me do you think?

    Sorry for the long text but i really need help,
    Thx in advance


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    MD or PA, depending.
    It's been two days. Give in to the fact that she does have obligations to her family. It might be a good idea to ask her about a day in the future rather than expecting that "today"--whichever day that happens to be--will be a good one. Ask if she's free next Friday, for example. It'll give her some time to plan, some time to look forward to it, and some time to deal with the parentals. She likes you. She wouldn't have held your hand and hugged you "a trillion times" if she didn't. But don't get drunk just because you can't see her, either--a relationship isn't about relying entirely on the other person. It's about sharing experiences and emotions in life--but you have to keep your own life for that. When she isn't available, see if any of your friends are. Just because you like her doesn't mean that you have to be on your knees following her around.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    thx. This awnser helped me loads actully. And yes after i wrote that i went with out with some friends and saw the movie superbad and i had a great time. and figured at what to do on my own. And it was exactly what you wrote. I let you know what happens after next weekend. thing is a great friend of mine celebrates his B-day then so its a good chance for me and her to be together, there i will have a talk to her that i really want to get to know her and that we can take it slow. Thanks for the awnser

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Actully she forgot her pants and her hat at my place from the "beforeparty" because she had to change, today i gave her the cloth in school and i planted a lil message in her pocket of the pants. :

    Good mornin(since she wont see it until themornin)
    I know you are pretty busy in the week and so am i.
    So why dont you join me on friday to go to (Kid's name)
    party at friday.
    (my name)

    So today i gave her the cloth, but when she came into my class shes didnt say hi it went like this:

    Girl - could i have my cloth?
    Me - allright 2 sec.
    |Girl walks out without saying anything or any sweet face.

    1 or 2 hours later in the hall

    |Girl walks past me.
    Girl - smilies like she loves me
    |Girl walks along.

    and that happend twice today.

    Well what does that mean? and do you think it was a good idea with the note ?
    Thx Dondi.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    You need to play it more cooly, or you're going to freak her out. Control yourself.
    Spammer Spanker

  6. #6
    vashti's Avatar
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    She may not have even seen the message in the pocket of her pants. I never keep stuff in my pant pockets... they create unsightly bulges. That probably wasn't your most brilliant idea.

    I suggest if you want a date, you ask her the old-fashioned way.
    Relax... I'll need some information first. Just the basic facts - can you show me where it hurts?

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