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Thread: Tips on what to do with this girl

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Tips on what to do with this girl

    well theres this gurl at my school and her friend told me she has a crush on me for over two years and i have like her a lot to in the last yea. Though I have this nervous problem and usually i dont know what to say around her and shes kinda shy to but my friend told me once you get know her she is really a down to earth person. So her friend introduce me to her after school to get to really know each other and i walk her home but a long the way it was hard what to say like i had it plan but i forgot it becaues was looking really sexy so i couldnt take my eyes off her. Yet we still talk about school and what happen. Still I manage at the end near house to tell her I've been noticing her lately and that she looks really nice and that she has a really pretty smile. So she started to blush and smile for me is that good? and then she told me she likes me and then i told her the same although she had to leave fast cause she has cheerleadin practice I ask her on a date at the end of week and she said yes. But my other question is what should i do or say tomorrow when i see her in school? because i forget when i wanna say soemthing lol maybe cause im nervous but i dont want her to think im boring if i just stay quiet because im kinda like her once you get to know me i feel comfortable aroudn you I really like her what should i do to get her to really have a nice conversation?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Well, you've already been told that she likes you, so you've got nothing to worry about rejection-wise. Smiling is nearly always a good thing, and blushing is a definite plus! You're good to go.

    As for what to say tomorrow... do you know what her interests are? Maybe you've seen a movie recently that she might like? Mention something like that. Compliments are always a good thing too, and she had a good reaction the last time you gave her one. I'm not sure how old you are, but you could try asking her out on a date, or at least to hang out at your house or with friends.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    oh thats what i havent got to her interest like we have been talking for like 3 days yet i dont know how to approach like whats interest. I dont want to sound like were chatting on the internet you know what im saying. About the dating part well were around 18 but i was thinking about the movie BUT then again it wouldnt go right because i know first date is where you get to know the person and thats what im trying to do plus i really like her and dont want to mess this up because its been a year and half since i have gone out in a date I was thinking also the mall idk do you have suggestions?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Well, not knowing her interests yet can lead you two to great conversations. Ask her questions, ask her what she likes to do in her spare time, if she's planning on going to college, favorite bands, etc. I'm assuming that you are taking some of the same classes, you could ask her opinion on a subject or a teacher, which could lead to her future interests. If you would like to get to know her, you could always take her out to lunch/dinner on the weekend. You could go to a movie and then dinner afterwards, that way, if conversation is dry (which it probably won't be), you can always talk about the movie. I don't know where you live, but you could always take her skating, that would be a really cute date actually.

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