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Thread: Uhmmm I got a question

  1. #1
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    Uhmmm I got a question

    ...err I don't know in which section this question belongs so I'll just post them in the Love Advice section

    ...ehh what does it feel like to be in love?
    Cause I thought I was in love so many times, but later I discoverd that the feeling wasn't love but just ... a feeling of : Wow she's hot.

    And a year ago I fell in love with a girl but she went to another school at the end of the school year, but I didn't get that I miss her feeling. Aren't you supposed to get that feeling if your in love? So that means I wasn't in love... So how do I know when I'm really in love? I'm really confused and worried. Cause I think I'm in love with a girl in my class but I don't know if its another feeling that I confuse with that love feeling

    PS: Sorry if my English is ... err how do you say that...wrong? I'm not so good at it

    PSPS: OH APPLES SORRY I forgot to read the forum rules and noticed that I shouldn't post unclear topics like...what I just did=.= my bad :X
    Last edited by bakker; 26-12-07 at 12:50 AM. Reason: First Edit: Accidently broke a rule o_O ...Second Edit: Used a vulgar word :X

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    how old are you?

  3. #3
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    I'm 15...why?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    that makes sense now. stop looking for love. you are probably not in love right now either. and you will never know what that is until you do. having a crush is not love. what you have now is definitely not. unless you can care about them the way you do a family member or best friend and then go beyond that, you definitely don't.

  5. #5
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    Oh god ._. I have to keep thinking about her everyday and I can't stop it and I'm going crazy that I can't see her for 2 weeks since its holidays and that all is only a crush O_O I'm so dead when I know what love is... O well thanks anyway's, guess that means I get to understand what it is when I become older...I thought there was something wrong with me @_@ Crushes sure are annoying... Guess I gotta stop looking at girls till I know what it is I guess

    Second Edit: Waaaaaait a min... If its a crush, is there still a chance to be a couple and THEN develop love or something? If not than I'm going to stress about the girl for like 2 years while I'm stressing for nothing then...( Were supposed to pick other school's in about 2 years and I suspect that I wil forget her in some couple of weeks after the split up.) Yeah, I pretty suck at crush/love things.

    PS: I'm not looking for love o_O I just get the feeling when I see the girls I THOUGHT I was in love and then found out later that it isn't love but just a Oh a hot girl feeling. Though this one is different because someone told me she liked me and that somehow made me have a crush on her o_O... I swear I am an amateur in posting =_= this is like my eight edit... O yeah btw, so am I supposed to ignore this crush feeling I have right now? If so, any tips? Cause no matter how much I try I can't ignore it :/
    Last edited by bakker; 26-12-07 at 07:42 AM. Reason: Accidently pushed Save =.= Second Edit: Just thought something

  6. #6
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    Jun 2007
    you don't HAVE to ignore it, having a crush is fine, but goodness, why do you want to date someone. keep it to crushes and silly flirting. you are way too young. you shouldn't be hooking up w/ anyone until you're done highschool.

  7. #7
    DoesntMatter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by alidile View Post
    you shouldn't be hooking up w/ anyone until you're done highschool.
    Maybe I'm thinking of someone else, but weren't you the one who had your cherry popped at age 14 and got ****ed some ridiculous number of times?

    Bakker, you'll notice all the people telling you to wait are the ones who "think" they made a bad choice "starting things" too early. Well here is the perspective of someone who may have taken such shitty advice, aka an 18.5 year old virgin guy: Now's a good time to start. Seriously, the same girls telling you to wait wouldn't give you a minutes consideration in the future.

    I'm not saying go out and start ****ing random chicks, but do start dating, you'll be glad

  8. #8
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    what's wrong with seeing from experience and those of others that these decisions were not wise? i'm helping based on what i know.
    yeah 18 is fine. but before that not so much.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Don't let people tell you when you are in love and what love is. That is silly. You decide. If you think that "Wow, she is hot" feeling is love than love it is. Logically I would think that if you developed a "love" feeling for someone who you also crush on it would be more powerful than if you developed the "love" feeling for someone you don't crush on. Go for it and stop thinking so much about it.

    Quote Originally Posted by alidile View Post
    you are probably not in love right now either. and you will never know what that is until you do. having a crush is not love. what you have now is definitely not.
    How do you know what he feels? that is garbage advice.
    Last edited by Only-virgins; 26-12-07 at 11:53 AM.
    "Why are you an atheist?"
    "because I paid attention in science class."

  10. #10
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    I see...Wel I guess I'll go for it then. Thanks for the help :O! Wow you people know so much about this @_@ And Happy Xmas people!

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