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Thread: Someone Please Help Me Please!!!!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Someone Please Help Me Please!!!!!!

    My name is Brandon and i have a big problem like 8 months ago i broke up with a girl i was dating for like 2 and a half years and then i started dating another gurl. but my ex would leave me along cause she was in love with me. So we got back together but it didnt work out because i though i was not in love with her so i told her that so i got with the other gurl. But then my ex was still pursue me because she told me i was the one but i was like i didnt love her, i went as far as to say that i hated her. but still we got back together it was good at first it felt like old times but i kindof start talkin to another gurl and she caught me and i told her that i didnt want her to leave me alone stay away from me. so i was datin that gurl for a while and then i had a break down one night i got drunk and i was crying and call people apologizing for all the misteaks i made and she was one of them and i told her that i love her and never meant to her hurt her and stuff like that. and then we got back together again and we was going to move in together and was talkin about marriage. but it didnt last long because i started talking to this gurl at work and i though that she was cool so i broke up with her again i told her i just didnt love her i didnt know y but i didnt so she left. so tonight she call me and we talk for like two hours and when we was talking i realize that i do love her. like i love her more then any time in this world that i will give my all to her and that i was dumb for passing up all those chances with her and like tonight i cried over her like tears was coming down my eyes and like all the stuff that i done i realize like they was really bad. But i cant get her back cause she have move on and i dont blame her for leaving she would be a fool for taking me back. but if dont i dont know how i will go on its like someone rape my heart out my chest. i cant get rid of that feeling i tried drinking but i still feel it i tried sleepin i cant sleep i cant do anything but just sit here and just reget what i've done. i just dont know what to do can someone help me?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    I seriously doubt you can do anything, you had more chances than you deserve and you still ruined it. If I was in her shoes i'd find it almost impossible to take you back.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Jesus, Brandon. Didn't your mama teach you how to treat a girl? You're a rotten little whore, you know that?

    Look, it's not as simple as you blew it and you want her back. You've got some real problems, here. You have some intimacy and commitment issues that I wish would require you to wear a warning label everywhere you go.

    You're a destructive person and you have no business being involved intimately with anyone.

    NO girls for you until you fix this shit, Brandon.

    I know it sounds like I'm just being a bitch, but I am totally serious, here. Find someone to help you figure out why you did this stuff, like a therapist. This is a serious problem.
    Spammer Spanker

  4. #4
    Tedel's Avatar
    Tedel Guest
    Quick answer: Accept you f*cked it up there, forget the whole issue, never talk to any of them again and move on.

    There will not only be better girls out there for you to date, court, chase, spank, have fun, etc. but you will find out they are better women for you too.

    Apologise yourself for the mistake you have made and try not to make it again.

    Crap, dude, you're a human too. Even you can f*ck it up. Stand up and go on with your life.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    thanks for that u made me feel better cause i was thinkin this was the end of my happiness

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