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Thread: More workout questions for any1 in the know...

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    bluesummer's Avatar
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    More workout questions for any1 in the know...

    It's been a few years since I really hit the gym hard, and for the last month and a half I've really committed to it. What I can't figure out is why, after all this effort, have I put on five punds and yet stayed exactly the same size? Is it the whole 'muscle-weighs-more-than-fat' thing? I'm certainly more solid all over....but my clothes size is the same. I'm wondering if it's going to take some time to burn off the fat layer that's covering my muscle?

    Anyone who could answer this would help a lot. (Neo?) I'm starting to feel like this isn't working for me, besides making me more solid to the touch. I have a couple of dress sizes to lose, and gaining more weight from working out does not make me feel like I'm moving any closer to this goal.
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  2. #2
    Tone's Avatar
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    How's your diet look? (honestly)

    If you're hitting the gym hard but not seeing any progress, the culprit lies in your diet.
    Last edited by Tone; 20-06-08 at 08:02 AM.

  3. #3
    bluesummer's Avatar
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    I'm suspecting i'm not drinking enough water. But I've always been a good eater.
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  4. #4
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    Diet has something to do with it, but also what type of workouts are you doing?

    How many times a week? How many reps? Weight involved? How long your workouts are? What type of food do you eat at a regular basis, and do you consume enough water or give your muscles enough time to recover?

    There are so many factors that go into maintaining your weight.

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  5. #5
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    I workout about three to four times a week, I usually give a day in between. I always do thirty minutes of cardio to start. I use machines AND free weights and alternate days for my upper and lower body. I do core/abdominal workouts at every session. My workouts are usually about an hour and a half to two hours (including cardio).

    I try and make sure I have a decent breakfast every morning, I make a protein shake mixed with berries and soy milk, banana and greens powder (if you know what that it). I'll usually eat a piece of multigrain toast with a bit of peanut butter. I eat light meals all day, and not in large portions. My water intake, like I said, has been poor (It's hard to drink as much as required, but I'm trying).
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    The water intake is not going to affect your weight loss, but rather simply prevent dehydration and ensure proper cell function. Don't drown yourself - it's a myth that you need 8 eight oz glasses a day (some of your water needs are met through food and cellular metabolism), although it certainly isn't a bad habit.

  7. #7
    IndiReloaded's Avatar
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    Numbers don't lie, Blue.

    I would calc out my daily energy expenditure & compare with my activity and eating for a couple typical weeks. Figure out from there how much you need to change your diet vs. activity & come up with something realistic to lose whatever weight you'd like.
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  8. #8
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    have you considered you may be gaining muscle?

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    ^ I know I'm gaining muscle. I just need to figure out how to lose the fat over top of it. REPLACE the fat with muscle, not be carrying both.
    Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever. - Mohandas Gandhi

  10. #10
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    a personal trainer once told me that when you do muscle strengthening exercises, your metabolism goes up, your muscles are ready to burn, and afterwards is the best time to do cardio.

    you could try turning it around and do cardio last. maybe add another 15-30 minutes to it.
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  11. #11
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    I've been through this routine so many times! You have to burn more calories than you consume. Walking was the BEST way for me to lose the weight. I lost like 5 pounds in two weeks when I started walking. Walked 3 miles early in the am and then another 3 in afternoon and did that religiously for 6 months. In about 5 months I lost almost 50 pounds. Your diet obviously has a lot to do with it too. I cut most carbs and the sugar. You're doing the right thing by eating less amounts of food and more frequently throughout the day. I ate all either no fat low cal items. Stayed with mostly bananas and chicken. I didn't cut myself out completly of things I like but NEVER ate out either. The whole idea of losing weight is burn more than you consume. I ate like crap and didn't do anything, to the opposite and the results were awesome. I have since gained some of it back(due to back and neck issues).

    When you have the time do a search online to check the calories of the things your'e eating. It is a myth about the 8 glasses of water and I certainly never drank that much either. I went to iced tea, diet dew, etc. Watch the drinks with tons of sugar. There are also certain fruits and veggies which although are great for you they contain a crap load of sugar, some is good for you and others not so. Corn is one that is loaded with sugar. Eat things with a ton of protien, again chicken. Protein restores your muscles.

    Cardio I would say is the biggest thing if you're looking to lose weight and not gain muscle mass. The weight lifting you gain muscle mass but also hate to use the term but you tone too. Stay more with cardio at first. You will lose weight initially but it will be water weight. Alternating your routine is a good idea too, but always throw the cardio in, that's what truly burns the calories. I love to walk and I'd throw on my headphones and go. Put on music that you keeps motivated. A half a hour a day and bam! ( I went to the extreme) and a trainer last year told me I didn't have to walk twice a day, that a few times a week was ok. But it had to come off and I was out there!

    Goodluck! Neo will be able to give some great advice too! Too bad Iron wasn't on here, damn he was the guru of training.
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  12. #12
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    bluesummer, how many calories do you burn when you do cardio? In order to lose a pound of fat a week, you need to burn on avg 500 calories a day. Use a machine next time to measure how many you burn in 30 min. I guarantee the problem is you aren't doing enough cardio.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by bluesummer View Post
    I'm wondering if it's going to take some time to burn off the fat layer that's covering my muscle?
    Working that area out.., isn't going to make it any thinner

    I know.., it's horrible.., but the good news is.., instead of crying about it.., you can get on your bike for 2-3 hours every weekend.., and get some good cardio in.., that's actually going to start eating away at the fat..

    As far as conversion.., (fat --> muscle).., make sure to take in plenty of protein.., and less fat (but still take in essential fats)..

    I use Cyto-Gainer (i'm not lactose intolerant.., but in case you are.., it's not a problem.., because it's 98% lactose free).., that's 28g of protein when I wake up in the morning.., 54g just after my workout.., and 28g just before I go to sleep.., Also.., drink 3-4 raw eggs (without the yolk) in the morning (it's not that bad! they're cold so they don't even taste like eggs.., if you can't get yourself to do it.., then just eat eggs whites).., and keep fish (particularly salmon) as a regular part of your diet for both protein and essential fats..

    Questionable suggestion: I take (Anabolic 7 by VYOTECH).., It's a "non-steroidal" & "non-androgenic" anabolic amplifier.., it's not designed to make you into the incredible hulk.., its only function is to promote lean muscle mass..

    - It inhibits both the production of estrogen and more importantly.., any free estrogen in your bloodstream
    - Inhibits the production of prolactin
    - Inhibits the production of SHDH
    - Promotes the production of testosterone and increases the amount of free testosterone in the bloodstream

    No.., it doesn't make you into any less of a woman or any more of a man.., although.., you shouldn't take it if you are pregnant or nursing..

    You'll find yourself being incredibly horny.., that's just the testosterone working and the estrogen being inhibited.., which means it's working..

    But more importantly.., those three things it inhibits.., actually aid in the accumulation of fat.., so by blocking them.., it will just be easier for you to get that fat to come off with cardio and dieting.., it won't feel like an up hill battle..

    Say testosterone to women.., and invariably.., they all feel skeptical.., as if they're going to start growing a penis and turn into a man.., however.., this is a "non-androgenic" product.., there are products on the market which increase testosterone levels by 10,000%.., this is not one of those products.., it only puts enough in your system so that it can promote lean muscle mass..

    So.., when you're doing your crunches for your tummy.., or working out your butt.., you can feel the difference.., not just the burn.., but two days later.., the actual definition and muscle tone..

    Again.., one of the more questionable suggestions.., but hey.., take what ideas you can.., and pick and choose whichever ones you feel most comfortable with.., i'm not going to try and push you towards it.., or try and scare you away from it.., it's up to you to see what you want to do Blue..


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  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by NeoSeminole View Post
    bluesummer, how many calories do you burn when you do cardio? In order to lose a pound of fat a week, you need to burn on avg 500 calories a day. Use a machine next time to measure how many you burn in 30 min. I guarantee the problem is you aren't doing enough cardio.

    I don't trust machine measurements, but I do 30 mins on an elliptical trainer and it says I'm burning a little over 300 calories. But do I not burn calories while weight training, too? My heart rate is elevated, so I figured I am burning calories all through the workout.

    If I go for a 30 min run, I don't know how much that burns.
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  15. #15
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    you lose about 100 calories per mile. usually that goes for any cardio you're doing.
    baby ya hustle. but me i hustle harder.

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