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Thread: i just dunno! please give m advices

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    i just dunno! please give m advices

    Now it is a dilemma to me. There's this guy I like a lot. We knew each other last June when i had a half year internship working experience in a software company. He is a regular in that company.

    I have no feeling about him until this February. I left in last December, and during this period we had no every much contact. He just asked my MSN ID, and we chat a lot on net and he gave me some advices for job hunting.

    After my graduation in this April, he asked me out for a trip which orgnanized by that company. One family member or girlfriend/boyfriend is welcomed. After that, he often asked me out for dinner and movie, then I guess I like him and havent rejected his invitation.

    As the times we met getting more and more, he tried to take my hand when we hang out. At first, I havent got prepared so refused several times. Now, the situation of our relationship is becoming like this: when we hang out hand in hand, some our collegues have met us together, and when he brought me home he trend to kiss me(but i refused).

    now, thing is, i want to be with him badly. Not talking to him on MSN is like torture. But he never mentioned he has any romantic interest in me, never talked about our relationship. And before my B-day, he have asked me out for dinner to celebrite while just right on that day, he told me he couldnt come coz eating so much watermelon that he got diarrhea last night and even couldnt go to work. Of course, i was very disappointed. He also stood me up for no reason twice. that makes me feel he doesnt wanna pay more attention to me.

    He is 10 years older than me, i m 25. We all single, i m a shy girl and havent had a serious relationship before and i might fall for him. But i cant emphasize enough on how badly i fear unreciprocated love.

    what should i do? Should i quit or go on? what would you do in my position, after carefully considering all the pros and cons? please give your reasons.

    thanks very much for any advices and comments!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Well he tried holding your hand...you refused.

    He tried kissing you...you refused.

    Most guys with common sense would take that as a hint you're not interested in him. He probably sees you asking him out as you trying to be, just friends. And he obviously doesn't want to be just friends. So probably doesn't want to waste his time on you.

    So your option is leave him be, or tell him how you felt and that you'd like to take him out on a date. And it's up to him to decide. He gave you the option, you shot him down. What's keeping him from doing the same?

    But, good luck.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by 1averagejoe View Post
    Well he tried holding your hand...you refused.

    He tried kissing you...you refused.

    Most guys with common sense would take that as a hint you're not interested in him. He probably sees you asking him out as you trying to be, just friends. And he obviously doesn't want to be just friends. So probably doesn't want to waste his time on you.

    So your option is leave him be, or tell him how you felt and that you'd like to take him out on a date. And it's up to him to decide. He gave you the option, you shot him down. What's keeping him from doing the same?

    But, good luck.
    actually, at first i coulnt tell what my feeling was, so i refused. while finally, we got along with each other good, we did have dates. but he havent said the words such as like or love to m.

    i sms him last night after movie with another friend who is a boy, i told him i miss him all day coz we havent seen each other for a weeks. he said he missed m either after the bad weather(just heavy rain every afternoon) passing he will come and see m everyday. what i m depressed is that the distance between his office and my place is just 20 min by foot...

    but then he knew the one i went to movie with is a boy and i am always close to him, he got angry, i told him that boy s just a good friend, there s nothin between us. him said maybe i felt it s alright between that boy and m, however he felt very bad. while he never asked for being my bf.

    all my feeling from his acts tell me he doesnt love me, maybe just a little bit like, not deep feeling.

    he doesnt wanna pay for me, even feeling or something.
    Last edited by babababa; 07-07-08 at 03:58 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    I'm sorry, your response was confusing, I hardly understood what you were trying to say. You went on dates but you originally said he stood you up a couple times?

    You're probably confusing this guy as much as you've confused me. I say just be straight forward and honest with the guy, tell him how you feel just to eliminate any confusion between you two.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by 1averagejoe View Post
    I'm sorry, your response was confusing, I hardly understood what you were trying to say. You went on dates but you originally said he stood you up a couple times?

    You're probably confusing this guy as much as you've confused me. I say just be straight forward and honest with the guy, tell him how you feel just to eliminate any confusion between you two.
    i think u r quite right. but i metioned originally i m a shy person. i wont tell him i love him straightly unless i can certain his feeling for me.
    if i actively attack, i might be the loser.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Falling in love doesn't make you a loser, even if the feelings aren't reciprocated. Being reserved and not telling him your feelings and finding out twenty years later that he really did love you... THAT would make you the loser.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    How much more of a sign do you need than him trying to hold your hand and kiss you? Stop wasting time and tell him how you feel. The longer you wait the less your chance of him still having feelings for you.

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