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Thread: Meeting a "semi online" girl

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Meeting a "semi online" girl

    Let me just explain the term "semi online". I've met the girl for like 10 seconds before, but after this we have only exchanged emails, chatted on AIM and text messages. We've actually started to know each other quite well, and we have agreed to meet up again - this time for a "date", in a few days from now.
    We haven't really talked about anything to do together, though. I was thinking maybe just going to a coffee shop in daytime, and then see if we want to do something more after that. Is that "too casual", or could it work. And if so, do I let her choose the place, or could we go to my favorite, up-scale coffee shop (which would probably feel like my home turf, giving me a little more confidence).

    And the other thing is, I'm not very experienced with this dating thing. The few dates I've had in the past have been catastrophic, but I have changed alot lately, and I think this one is going to be much better. Still, I have no clue what to do. Do I hold her hand on the first date, do I hug her when we first meet? What about kissing, does that come on the first date, or later? She is more experienced when it comes to these things. I've never even kissed a girl, at least not in this setting. But still, I guess the guy is the one who has to take the first steps to kissing, even though I wish it were the girl.
    Of course, these steps of physical contact should be evaluated when I see how the date goes - but let's say it goes great, that the conversation flows like a river.

    Any help would be much appreciated

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Relax and enjoy your date. Act naturally, be yourself.
    As for the place, if I were that girl, I'd prefer you take me to somewhere you usually hang out or somewhere you really like to go cos I'd get to know more about your taste and what you're about. However, ask her first where she'd like to go. If it's up to you to choose a place, don't take her somewhere weird (like to opera or on the bench next to the decayed supermarket). The date should be about you getting to know each other, not about the place (avoid too loud music so you can hear each other).
    If the date goes well, the unwritten rule is to kiss the girl when you walk her home, in front of her house, or any place else where you're separating (and once you get to that place, don't bore her with too much talking, get into kissing action).
    How old are you btw?
    I'm gonna be crossing my fingers for you, so please come back to tell me what happened.
    Good luck.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Brooklyn, NY
    A coffee date sounds good for a first date. It's casual, you can always turn it into more, and you're not drinking alcohol so there isn't the chance you'll turn into a sloppy drunk halfway through. (you'll just be overcaffienated). I don't know if it matters who chooses the place. I like it when the guy takes the initiative and suggests a place, personally.

    As for the physical stuff, I don't know if you should be in a rush to hold hands or kiss her, unless it's going really well. Like Citycat said, the end of the date is fine as long as you're reading the clues and not trying to jam your tongue down her throat. (Is she looking at you? Smiling at you? Holding your hand? Leaning in towards you?)

    Good luck!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Coffee places are always great places to socialize and date.

    But, you know what sucks, I hate coffee and tea. I'll have a milk, thank you.

    The reason I hate coffee soo much is because when I was younger, my mom gave me a sip of hers just to try, and about 30 minutes later I vomited, because I had gotten the stomach flu. And now whenever I try to drink it, it makes me gag. Even the scent used to make me nauseous, but not anymore. As for tea, well it's just nasty tasting.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2005
    I've had one date in my life. It was a blind date, and with tea. And it was catastrophic. But if you know you get on well while talking via AIM and you don't have to make up the topics to talk about, then its fine I guess.
    Don't expect anything.

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