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Thread: PLEASE HELP:: He Wants Hiis Ex, Doesn't He?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    PLEASE HELP:: He Wants Hiis Ex, Doesn't He?

    Hey everyone,

    Okay, I'm the same girl who has already posted the story about this ex-girlfriend.

    Anyway, yesterday I saw him and we made up...I know I seem like an idiot for doing it but it was one of those ones where he was just giving me all those love lines. Then I got talking to his mum and his mum likes me too.

    But then, I called him in the evening time and he was saying how his ex-girlfriend is going to be coming to one of the upcoming events and how she's going to be dancing with him because she knows he likes her body and how she dances. Then he said her body's sexy and how he'll probably be dancing with her throughout the while thing. Then he started drifting off into his own world about her body and how she's so ''developed'' and how she's beautiful...

    Now I'm insecure about my looks & figure anyway because although he says I'm ''beautiful'' and a lot of guys and girls have said it, I've been hurt so many times my confidence just isn't there so I just don't see it. && I know I don't have a big chest or a big bum but that's no reason for him to leave me for her, is it?

    I should leave him, shouldn't I?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Los Angeles
    Of course you should. He doesn't respect you, regardless of your body shape.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2007

    If he's willing to talk to you about his ex's body, something that you already don't like because they got too close, then he definitely doesn't respect you.

    At least respect yourself and move on.
    I don't chase, I replace.

  4. #4
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    Aug 2008
    you should put up pictures and let us be the judge of your beauty jk

    Naw yo he's still thinking about the other chick. Either that or he wanted to inspire a little kinky jealousy in you but obviously thas the wrong button to be pushing. You should let him know that makes you uncomfortable for real.
    When I had a girlfriend, and before I decided to live the single life, I learned a thing or two about keeping the peace. This book helped.

    [URL="http://www.itshelpful.com/makingup"]The Magic of Making Up[/URL]

  5. #5
    IndiReloaded's Avatar
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    Oh god. This guys a selfish turd best dumped like yesterday's chamber pot.

    Just call him up & say the following:

    "Listen teflon brain, I'm breaking up with you. Don't feel too bad, tho its not me, its you. I've simply decided you & I are differently clued, so I'd really like never to hear from your sorry self again."

    Second thoughts can generally be amended with judicious action; injudicious actions can seldom be recovered with second thoughts.
    --Cyteen by C.J.Cherryh

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Thanks everyone,

    now he says he loves me. He's lying right? But now I can't leave him. I'm torn. I want to be with him but I know I'm not helping myself if I don't go. What do I do?

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    What should you do? I vote for you stop acting like a silly girl who will tolerate such disrespect and dump him. Either that, or prepare for a miserable life with a no-good jerk.

  8. #8
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    Sydney Aust
    Quote Originally Posted by MzConfused View Post
    Thanks everyone,

    now he says he loves me. He's lying right? But now I can't leave him. I'm torn. I want to be with him but I know I'm not helping myself if I don't go. What do I do?
    Why can't you leave?

    It's not that you can't leave it's because you won't.

  9. #9
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    Just leave him, MizConfused. At first it will be hard but eventually your emotions will catch up with you, and you'll feel so much better without him. Do you really want to keep going with someone who is this hung up on his ex? It will drive you nuts and feed your insecurities.

    You deserve better.

  10. #10
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    He's purposefully being mean to you MizConfused, he's trying to hurt you, why do you want to be with someone who wnats to hurt you? Have you thought that he might be acting this way because you are letting him get away with it?
    Don't cry, don't regret and don't blame
    Weak find the whip, willing find freedom
    Towards the sun, carry your name
    In warm hands you are given
    Ask the wind for the way
    Uncertainty's gone, your path will unravel
    Accept all as it is and do not blame
    God or the Devil
    ~Born to Live - Mavrik~

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    PLEASE HELP::He Wants hiis Ex, Doesn't He?

    Make your decision clear MizConfused, I think you don't love him that much your just afraid of losing him. There's a plenty of guys over there who's willing to be with you.
    Can't you see his already flirting other girls and I think that's enough to let him go.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Thank You Guys

    Thank you guys, i think i know what i have to do. I know it's going to be hard and i don't know how i'm going to do it but i know i have to.

    Any suggestions as to how i should tell him how i feel n how i'm going to leave him?xxx

    P.S :: You're all angels for this help.xx:-)

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Just be honest. You don't like how he talks about his ex like that and how he is too close to her, right? You feel disrespected, right? And you're breaking up with him for your own good, right? You just have to be honest.

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Sydney, Australia
    your confused?
    shit i'm confused as to why u can take such bullshit?
    how old are you?
    seriously, don't waste ur time with an asshole like that.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Ontario, Canada

    Game Over

    Maybe he's the type of person that catches your eye, but breaks your heart, right after.

    Too many of these guys, just have a girl around to get laid.

    P.S. With millions of available bachelors, you shouldn't care too much about what he's
    say and just find someone that will respect you and love you for who you are.
    It's a bad habit to compare yourselves to others, your unique in your own way,
    and someone will see that and appreciate how wonderful you make them feel.

    " Nothing is a waste of time, if you use the experience wisely."
    => Auguste Rodin

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