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Thread: Does she know I like her?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2005

    Does she know I like her?

    I met this girl at work but we never had any lengthy interactions with each other. Whenever we did speak, it was short & sweet then we'd continue doing our jobs.

    I had a crush on her. I kind of got the feeling that she may have had one on me. Only problem is it seemed like we are both shy people, so neither of us really did anything.

    One day she added me as a friend on Facebook. This made me happy because I got the feeling I had somehow made an impression. Out of the 60 or more staff members, only myself and another guy she directly worked with were on her friends list.

    When I found out she was leaving I decided to message her and I said something along the lines of 'it's too bad we just started to get to know each other' and I also said 'we should hang out sometime'. She replied very positively and said 'yes we should'.

    Some time went by before I made an actual invitation to the movies to see the new Batman movie. But she declined with several valid reasons. Again time goes by with no interactions and I'm getting a little upset.

    She hasen't replied to my Facebook messages in a lengthy period of time so I text message her one last time to see what she'd say. Again, I suggest that we hang out soon NOT expecting to get a reply. However, she did reply and again a very positive reply (almost two months since the first time I suggested this).

    Now I knew I had to get on top of things and really make this hang-out happen. We actually had plans for today, however she had to bail because of prior plans with her family. I'm dissapointed only because we've waited so long, but the hang-out has only been postponed.

    Anyways, my question for you out here is : I've invited her to all these 1-on-1 get togethers, and she has always seemed positive about doing them. Would she suspect that I like her, and want to get to know her better so that if anything were to happen it would? I believe I have. Just want to know what others think.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    i reckon yes she is happy to be ur friend but doesnt want u to read into it...meaning she doesnt want a romantic relationship....my advise is she may change her mind if u forget about her, have fun with ur friends...go out....hang out....have plenty of activity that she will see....like on facebook...spice it up....make it more interesting with new pics and friends messages from nights out together....and if she doesnt well so be it...ul have fun with ur friends anyway...thats life unfortunately...we always want what we cant have....and that principle may make her think twice about u

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Too serious young man....I think she's suspecting you, its obvious that you like her. Woman's instinct are very strong, and probably she doesn't like you to be with her alone.
    If you really like to be with her, go out in a group. Her friends and your friends too that would be a better way to know each other well.
    By and by you can hang-out with her alone.
    Get her trust first.

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