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Thread: Thinking about getting a motorcycle.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Thinking about getting a motorcycle.

    I am thinking about getting a motorcycle preferably a Yamaha R6. I am going back and forth deciding if I want to get a bike because of the dangers but it seems so tempting.

    My dad has a bike but he has a Yamaha Cruiser. I am more of the crotch-rocket type. I don't plan on doing anything stupid like taking on fast turns doing wheelies or anything just ride around and get to places. It's just that the risk for more fatal accidents are so much higher, plus there are many stupid drivers in California.

    So yeah, any bikers here that can encourage me? People say that beginners should start out on a 250cc but I only seen a Kawasaki ninja 250cc. Are there any other 250cc's out there? I wanted to just get a R6 because that's the bike I really want. Although I don't want to have a bark bigger then my bite.

  2. #2
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    Los Angeles
    I think motorcycles seem like a lot of fun. My sister got one when she decided she wasn't ever going to have babies.

    However, you should know that in the hospital, they call the "donor-cycles", and one of the patients in the ICU with me last week who was in a motorcycle accident died. It was really sad.

    If you want to have a bike, consider only riding it in the open country, and never in bad weather.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Can't ride it only in the open country. I live in the Bay Area. Not much open country out here. It's a concrete jungle.

  4. #4
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    Sometimes I question my safety on a bicycle in the streets. Sure I'm not going anymore than 40mph and only for short amounts. But the cars are still going just as fast. Ohh well...I love cycling.

    Thought about a motorcycle, but I prefer not to ride one because knowing myself I'll be one of those speed freaks that really wants to see what the top speed of the thing is.

  5. #5
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    Nov 2004
    the crappy thing about motorcycles is that you don't have to get hit hard to go flying off your bike. we saw an accident where this motorcycle cop was leading a funeral procession. somebody was turning and hit him and he flew. they were not going fast at all. 30mph max.

    but they are fun. i would like to ride them cross country like easy rider.
    baby ya hustle. but me i hustle harder.

  6. #6
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    I don't think I trust other drivers enough to ride a motorcycle in the city.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    man id love a bike.
    problem is i like to speed. usually a good 15-20 over on average...that being said, id prolly kill myself on a bike..
    altho 55mpg is appealing compared to my 13mpg v8 jeep.
    some day...

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    yeh I don't want to be tempted also. I may be on occasions but I plan to be a safe rider

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jbleezyj View Post
    I am going back and forth deciding if I want to get a bike because of the dangers but it seems so tempting.
    Make no mistake about it.., it's the most thrilling experience to get on your motorcycle and hit the road.., you can get away with it when you're younger.., because as you get older.., it's a less appropriate means of transportation.. (unless you're doing nothing with your life.., in which case it compliments your lifestyle perfectly)

    I'll just make note of one little "thing" you should consider.. my old car..

    Yeah.., it wasn't always that good-looking..

    60mph velocity making impact with a grounded object that wasn't going to move or break for sh*t.., It caused these lovely little puppies to kick in..

    Despite that.., I suffered a cracked sternum and some minor muscle and lower back injuries..., but it wasn't the safety features that helped.., it was the car itself..

    I mean.., just like at that b*tch.., that was designed to take a beating.., I mean.., it could take it really hard from the front or the back.., even the side if it had to come to that.., and you'd still be safe n' sound on the inside..

    The reason they call it an "accident" is because you don't plan for it to happen.., you try your best to avoid it.., but while your chances of dying from a game of Russian roulette are 1 in 6.., your chances of getting into a car accident are 1 in 6,000..

    Which means.., I'm probably alright for the next 5,999 trips I make..

    Now.., if I was on a motorcycle.., you would probably not be reading this post....., think about that.., give that a second of honest and truthful thought as you consider your future as a motorcycle driver..
    If you can't stop the Wind, then you can't stop the Storm.

  10. #10
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    Jan 2006
    Cool seeing the crumple zones work. Something a smart car doesn't really have. But I love this video where they claim it to be rigid. But you won't have any legs. Crumple zones are your friend, slow the impact down enough to reduce injury or prevent death.
    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CJHpUO-S0i8"]YouTube - Smart Car Crash Test[/ame]
    Hey the passenger door still opens so you can crawl half your body out of the car!

  11. #11
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    I can't believe I forgot!

    Don't count on being this lucky..

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tth9krDtxII"]YouTube - Greek Bike Accident 1[/ame]

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YY1VTuUY9YQ&feature=related"]YouTube - Greek Bike accident 2[/ame]
    If you can't stop the Wind, then you can't stop the Storm.

  12. #12
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    Don't do it. They are dangerous and a lot of motor vehicle drivers do not look in blind spots where motor cyclists are.

    Personally my sister lost her leg as a pillion and a friend is in a wheelchair due to a motorcycle accident.

    Just be aware of the dangers.

  13. #13
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    All over the damn place.
    I really don't understand the point of getting a crotch rocket if you're mostly going to be driving around in the city. It's a waste. And like everyone else is stressing, it's dangerous. No matter how good a driver you are, there are millions out there who will smash you and your bike into pieces.
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  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dasein View Post
    Don't do it. They are dangerous and a lot of motor vehicle drivers do not look in blind spots where motor cyclists are.

    Personally my sister lost her leg as a pillion and a friend is in a wheelchair due to a motorcycle accident.

    Just be aware of the dangers.
    My that's horrific! They are too dangerous and not worth it. My ex's brother was hit and seriously injuried his toes/foot. The motor vehicle drivers really don't watch out for motor cyclists. He was making a turn and it was amazing that he survived.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by GrkScorp View Post
    I can't believe I forgot!

    Don't count on being this lucky..
    Wow Grk is that real?

    Anyways that's what the ex's brother basically did to survive the collision. He was a martial artists and able to jump off the bike at impact. I'm not sure how he did it. He was really lucky.

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