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Thread: Hives

  1. #1
    DoesntMatter's Avatar
    DoesntMatter is offline Love Gurus
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    I've had hives on my body for the last few days, all over my chest, belly and sides, and also the insides of my arms. At least I'm pretty sure they are hives, I've never had hives before. They don't itch or sting at all though and aren't bothersome, so I don't know what to make of it

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Sydney Aust
    Symptoms of hives include:

    * Raised circular weals appear that look like mosquito bites.
    * The weals are red on the outer rim and white in the centre.
    * Localised itching is present.
    * An individual weal has a lifespan of around 24 hours or less.
    * The weals appear in batches or clusters.
    * One batch fades away as a new batch appears.
    * The rash may last for days or weeks.

    Are they itching DM? Have you taken anything for it yet like antihistamine?

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