So me and my ex decided to 'date' and see how things to.

well yesterday downtown and movie were great. I called her this morning around 10:30 and she answered. I asked her if she was feeling better(she had a headache last night) and she said yes. She told me she was leaving at 3ish. I asked her if she was all ready if she would like me to come over and hang out with her till she left. She said maybe, i'll give you a call back.

She didn't call me back

I guess she is just getting ready and I know when you are going away on a weekend trip you have a lot to get ready for and probably didn't want to have to worry about hanging out. But not calling me back sucks

I called her around 12:30(to late for me to still go see her) and said, "hey xxxx I guess you are busy getting ready, just wanted to wish you a happy weekend and hope we can hang out sometime next week".

I shouldn't have asked her if I could come over today, set myself up for that rejection as it is a time she needs to get ready. I just really wanted to see her again as I wouldn't see her now for a few days and figured we could watch tv or something till she had to head out. I went from being happy to sad now though as she didn't even call back ;(

yesterday was great though, things seemed right on track, hopefully after this weekend everything will be fine.

Everything was great the day before, any advice where to go from here, or why she didn't call back? or answer my phone call when I called her.