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Thread: I dont know what to do...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    I dont know what to do...

    This girl started to work on night's with me about 7 months ago. I have always found her very attractive, but i'm really shy. I've been going through alot over the passed 6 month's. For example, for a short time she went to the hospital for some reason and at work i'd find out about it and it really scared me. I literally was walking around crying because i felt so bad. But when she came back to work I was really glad to see her, but i've never said anything about it. I would casually say hi to her though and talk very little but that was about it.

    What bother's me is for around the past 6 years i've always been holding on to this one girl, and i now I think i did that because i didn't want to get caught up in all of this again. I have always found girls attactive but just never really felt this strong about anyone since her.

    One day i saw her settin in the smokeroom at work torn up after her and someone else got into a fight. Something happed to me that day. That day I totally fell for her and just let the other girl go. I mean when i stood nextto her she was sayin some things she was going through and i could totally relate to.Then someone came in to calm her down and i had to leave so i couldn't say much but when i got outside I swear I just felt so connected to her. Since that day my fellings have really goten stronger for her.

    So now I somehow got the nerve to go to her and try to talk to her and she just told me she knows what i'm tryin to say, but she already has a boyfriend. But i know that about 4 months ago when i saw her in the smoke room she was going through alot and was single. Now I really regret not telling her how I felt that day cause i did the same thing to that other girl that i liked for 6 years. With everything that's happend it feels like my past has come back to haunt me. but in the end i think I actually feel more comfertable now around her and can actually face her. Since she is very social and just makes me feel so good when i talk to her even if it's only very briefly.

    I'm 28 years old and i've made so many mistakes over the years and wish i never gave up to easily. and now because of it i've never had a girl up to this day. I really dont wanna make the same mistake i did 6 years ago. I don't know if i should tell her how I feel or not. Cause i'm afraid if I dont it may be very long time before I ever feel this way about a girl again. Would it be ok if I tell her how I feel after she's been seeing some other guy for maybe 2 months? I dont know what to do.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Oh actally i'm just shy around her.I've been wokin in the same place for 10 years now and i've always been able to sociallize with everyone but for somereason i just can't really talk to her the same way.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    oh boy, twins I tell ya, I faced the exact same problem. I'm just going to assume you are me and give you advice based around my own experience.

    It was hard to let go after such a long relationship. Seeing other girls you can't help but compare but that day came when you could finally appreciate someone else and you somehow shift all that emotional energy into that person. You felt a connection with her and even though you know it's not right as she has a boyfriend you can't help but want to tell her the truth because you just don't want to lie to yourself anymore.

    I'm going to say go ahead and tell her the truth. Mine turned out to be a weird and brisk affair and pretty much taught me I was confused in finally letting go of someone and then turning all my attention on to the next girl I was interested in. It was a harsh lesson to learn but in doing so it shed some light on just how I should approach things, not to be too involved in someone's private life and in turn feeling bad and eventually feeling like I should be the one to love them (yeah all sounds freaky). But most of all the greatest lesson was I can finally be honest and open about my feelings.

    Just work up the guts to do it. May go well, may very well turn your life upside down but a good lesson nonetheless.

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