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Thread: he made out with another girl

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    he made out with another girl

    so the guy i'm seeing now it's been about 2 months
    all is okay, and a few nights ago we were talking about how we've irritated each other so far fine, really good constructive conversation.
    this was on thursday and then all of a sudden he says,: "btw, wednesday night when i was really drunk i ran into someone i haven't seen in a long time and she went to kiss me by, i thought on the cheek, but she turned to my mouth stuck her tongue in and i reciprocated for 5 seconds and then we parted ways".
    i was really pissed off but didn't say anything because a) he told me right away, kinda, and b) i feel like i'd be acting like a stupid girl if i got upset.
    obviously i didn't like it, i didn't even say i was upset, i just said well thanks for letting me know, and i was quite a bit inebriated as well, i think i asked if it was an average event to which he said no, just something that happened because i was drunk...
    this has me really stressed out the more days that go by and i don't want to be, but i'm really losing faith in the idea that anyone can really stay monogomous. it's really hard for me and i actually want to try for once and this has already made me feel like that is a waste of time.
    please guys?
    any solutions about how i should react to something like this?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Well, if you act like you don't care I wouldn't be suprised if it happens again.

  3. #3
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    Oct 2008
    well i said i didn't like it and asked if he thought it was going to happen again and if he was wasting my time and when he said it was just a drunk antic he wasn't looking for anyone else i let it go, since it's so fresh.
    should i have acted like i was much more upset then?

  4. #4
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    Aug 2007
    Being drunk was no excuse, he knew perfectly well what he was doing. Fine, give him a bit of credit for telling you, but make sure he knows it's not ok, not even when he's drunk, and that you won't let it go unless the issue is resolved.

  5. #5
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    Nov 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by glow View Post
    well i said i didn't like it and asked if he thought it was going to happen again
    ...and why would you expect him to say anything BUT "of course it won't happen again!"

    Basically he got to make out with another girl, say he was "drunk" as an excuse, and walk away without any repercussions.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    why would you want to be with someone who acted like this whether he's drunk or sober? being drunk isn't an excuse.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Give him credit for telling you, he felt guilty. But don't trust him as much as you used to. Tell him how that made you feel again. Communication is key. I don't think being drunk is an excuse, but if you think you could love him and vice versa then forgive and forget. If not then find someone who won't stick his tongue where it shouldn't go.
    "Making plans to change the world, while the world is changing us."

  8. #8
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    well last night I was the one who got drunk, and in that drunken stupor he was saying have some more to drink if you want and i said why, so i can make out with a random?
    then i proceeded to pass out haha.
    later that night he came home and was all lovey dovey and all day today sent me these texts about how lovely i am and blah blah blah all this junk.

    shouldn't i give him the benefit of the doubt just this once and then allow myself to freak out entirely next time?

  9. #9
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    Sure you should.

    But you shouldn't let him off so easy.. make a big deal out of it so he knows in the back of his mind.. 'Getting drunk and making out with random girl = girlfriend PISSED OFF' instead of 'Getting drunk and making out with random girl = girlfriend unhappy but minimal backlash'

  10. #10
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    so i didn't make a big enough deal out of it to bring it up last night while drunk in the way i did? and to have other people looking at him and what not?
    what's the likelihood anyways?
    i mean i think he's really serious now, kinda, but i kinda have no faith in anyone.
    is it even possible for someone to commit to this kinda stuff, i mean really?
    of course people are going to say yes....

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    You've been together 2 months and the guy is already walking all over you...boy he sounds like a keeper.

    Let's take bets on how long before he does it again.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by glow View Post
    she turned to my mouth stuck her tongue in and i reciprocated for 5 seconds and then we parted ways".
    Bahahaha! I think you should do the same thing to another guy next time you are out. Preferably his best friend. That should reset the score.

    He knew exactly what he was doing. Up to you how you want to handle it. I'd probably break up w/him & make him crawl for a month but that's just me. Good opportunity for some nice jewelry you might have had your eye on?

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    I just think you guys should stop getting so drunk all the time

  14. #14
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    Punch him in the schnoz.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cbrider View Post
    Punch him in the schnoz.
    Ahh i have to agree, a good punch in the nose makes everything better
    Pain is just weakness leaving the body...

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