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Thread: broke up - still going to vegas with her next week

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    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    broke up - still going to vegas with her next week

    My girlfriend just broke up with me a few days ago. The reason she broke up with me is because she has some serious self esteem issues. She said that she forgot how to love herself, and couldn't be in a relationship at this time, and that is the real problem it isn't a cop out, I know this for certain. She is a slightly over weight, I wouldn't say 'fat' but she has some extra meat on her, she is a very pretty girl. The weight has never bothered me ever, if she gained 20 pounds or lost 20 pounds, I wouldn't care. We also work together, so I heard what some customers have been saying to her occasionally. Customers would ask her if shes pregnant, which shes not, but it may look like she is cause of the extra weight she has. That really hit her hard. So far working together has been just fine. We never got in a fight during the break up. So that's the background story.

    To start off, I haven't done any drunk dialing or text terorrism. Actually come to think of it, I think she has texted and called me more than I have, all my buddies said to just not call or text, so I haven't. I have only done one phone call asking if we can talk about the situation, 'she replied with, "what's there to talk about." So the following morning I sent off a very nice, sort of good bye email saying that I understand what she is going through and that I accept everything she has said. She replied back with a very nice email as well, sort of saying goodbye and saying the problem is a situation that I cannot fix and she has to take care of it on her own. But here is the deal, we've had plans to go to Vegas for her 21st birthday(yeah we are young, but we love each other very very much, even talked about marriage and children). At first she told me that she didn't want me to accompany her while she would still go with a friend, and a very small portion of her family. Then, just the other day she gave me a call at work asking if I would still want to go, I said, "yes I would love to go". We had always said that we would go no matter what happend. She asked me if I understood where she stands and when we get back we are broken up, but while we are in Vegas, we aren't going to think about what has happend or what will happen and just have the time of our lives...I said that I understood completely. And just last night she called at 2am all excited and tell me all about the cute clothes she bought for the trip and all sorts of good stuff, the phone call was like we didn't even break up; and at the end of the call she said, "ok, love you good night".

    Soooo, I really do love this woman, and it is very obvious that she loves me as well. And I want to be with her forever, she has even said the same exact things to me, even in her farewell email. I was thinking when we get back from our vacation in Vegas, maybe after we get off the plane or before we get in our cars and drive away and ask her to just listen and think about what I have to say and come back to me later, "Maybe we can still be together and just not see each other as often as we used to, maybe just once or twice a week." Of course I would put it more eloquently than that. We used to see each other for almost 10-12 hours everyday or more. Sometimes see each other before work, then carpool to work and then go to my house or her house for a couple hours after work, I'm thinking that it was a little bit to much. I'm thinking that if I say if we only hang out together once or twice a week and even limit our phone calls it would give her time and space to sort of do her own thing for as long as it takes, I would even go without sex until she feels better about herself, even though I think she is the most beautiful person on this earth, and I have always said those things to her...but that's where the self esteem issues come in for her, she doesn't always believe people when they give compliments to her.

    So what do you think, I could really use your help here. I know I'm still young but I really do feel honestly, deep down that she is that one.
    Last edited by chasepatrick; 06-11-08 at 03:35 AM.

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