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Thread: LONG HARD situation ANY ADVICE??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    LONG HARD situation ANY ADVICE??

    Hi everyone, Im a 20 year old college student and Im having a lot of trouble with a relationship im in with this girl.

    OK so I met her about a year ago and liked her every since the first time i saw her but for the 1st few months i knew her i didnt really try anything or pay attention to her she, we didnt really even know eachother she was just the girl who was in my class and sat across the room. so the second half of hour school year I made up my mind that at the beginning of the semester i was gonna start trying to get her to be my girl. So the whole semester I was working on it and i asked her out and she said yes 3 times . the problem was that i couldnt be my self around her and thats never happened to me around a girl, i was very cocky and close minded which was totally the opposite of what she likes, so i didnt know if she liked me and it was driving me nuts so i just told her one day that i thought she was the most beautiful girl and that she was perfect for me and that Its hard for me to be myself and all that stuff and that i wouldn't give up or quit until she was my girl because that's how much she meant to me , but i could tell as soon as i said it that it didnt mean anything. So a few days later her friend told me that she doesnt feel a connection with me and i was crushed, i didnt even look at her for the rest of the semester and i avoided her at all costs and the year ended and the entire summer i didnt see her. so 3 months passed and i saw her friend and she told me that i shouldnt avoid her and i should try to be friends but i just cant be"friends" with her.

    So anyways i texted her after 3 months of not talking and said we should all go out and she said sure. So my mind set from that point was to just tell her that i wanna be friends as a cover up so that she would be able to see who i really am and understand what I was saying before. And now it seems like it has worked , its been 5 weeks that ive been going at it and everything has changed , she calls me and she texts me and we go out alone alot and she is the one who wants it to be that way. her roommate tells me that she likes me now but she wont tell her straight out becuase she knows that she will come and tell me.

    Now heres my problem I know she likes me and I know that she knows I like her, and were always together during the week and shes getting more and more open and touchy feely with me. So I just dont know how to go about moving faster becuase i made the mistake of telling her i was crazy about her the first time and that didnt work, do I make a move and try to kiss her or do I just ask her if she sees our relationship going somewhere. And another problem is that when i ask her like say to the movies or something shes hesitant to say yes yet everyday were together alone and hanging out.So is she playing games with me?

    Sorry for my long essay ive just been in this situation for so long and ive never had this much trouble with a girl but i guess i never really cared enough about any girl like i care about her. Any feedback would be appreciated!! thankss

  2. #2
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    "Hot Love Pancake(s)"
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    I'm sorry.

    I didn't read your post, and I don't have the time right now.

    But I thought your thread was going to be about erectile dysfunction, or something along those lines.

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