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Thread: I loved her truley and she said lets be just friends !

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    I loved her truley and she said lets be just friends !

    I had a girlfriend and i met her through taged.com , and we loved each other for a while, she used to love me but now she is saying lets just be friends,
    the problem is that i loved her truly, and i decided to live just for her because i thought she deserve that, but she took my feeling and didn't appreciate them, instead, she destroyed them, i feel like i am a jerk because i trusted her,
    in the past everything seemed good . we were talking online everyday about 2 hours for the past 2 years, and we share everything we chat about everything.

    i wanna just ask how come that a person loves you can leave you this way?
    i wonder what would happen if my mother left me and she said one day i don't love you anymore. well it happens sometimes.
    but i thought that my girlfriend loves me and she is ready to die for me. but it turned out that it is a fake love,

    i guess that the only true love is the love of Jesus to us, because he died for us and gave himself on the cross, this is the true love that is someone is ready to give you your life just because he loves you.

    my girlfriend took the best of me, took my feelings and then simply she said, lets be just friend !!! well, i think of her now as a sinner, because she enjoyed my feelings, then she didn't give me back any feelings, she lied to me when she said i love you, but she left me for pain to hurt me..

    my advice to all the girls is don't break boys's hearts, because this is a sin, it is either to be a faithful, or don't play with a boy's feeling.

    Last edited by wasseem2; 22-01-10 at 10:59 PM. Reason: change font size

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Yeah, it can be tough to deal with. There's not much more of a crappy feeling than meeting a girl who is able to tell you things you want to hear and you believe them, fall for her, only to discover she's not the person you thought she was, and she wasn't the person she portrayed herself to be.

    you're left trying to reconcile the same person, who is two different people. The one you fell in love with and the true person she is.

    And your heart always wants to believe she really was the person you fell in love with. And your heart overrules your brains a lot of the time.

    What to do: remind yourself that she played you and you didn't do that to her. So she's beneath you. And it's disrespectful to yourself to appreciate someone who treates you like that.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Thank you kene, you know exactly what is happening, please tell me that i am gonna get over her if you get back here

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Katie1122 View Post
    I think you should do everything you can to win her back.

    I realize most people on here will probably tell you to move on but I did that many years ago and to this day, I still regret letting him go.

    If you truly love them, then do EVERYTHING you can do get them back.

    And what will he take as his prize I wonder? A heart broken once more from her whimsical playing, so that he won't feel the regret of letting her go the first time? If you truly love someone and they love you back you don't practice self-sacrifice... because you wouldn't need to. Self-sacrifice is not love, though it is commonly mistaken for it... with devastating consequences.

    I'm sure he can live with the 'regret' a lot better than he can from feeling the fool for a second time.

    Kene is right, she deceived you, broke your heart, and this is one of those situations where you learn from the experience and move on. There are plenty of people in the world like this, so learn how to recognize people like her in the future... it will save time and keep your heart from falling prey to a similar trick later on down the road.
    Last edited by Aeradalia; 31-12-08 at 04:51 PM.
    "The weakest soul, knowing its own weakness, and believing this truth that strength can only be developed by effort and practice, will, thus believing, at once begin to exert itself, and, adding effort to effort, patience to patience, and strength to strength, will never cease to develop, and will at last grow divinely strong."

    - James Allen

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    It is extremely hard, I know, as I am going through a break-up right now.
    Remember that people change. She probably loved you, but it wasn't true love, and really you didn't have true love for her. Yes it felt like it but it most likely wasn't. Also, she wasn't playing with your feelings. She just changed. She probably holds the word "love" at a different status then you do. She might throw it around a lot easier then you might. I'm sure she wasn't thinking throughout the relationship that she would just date you then breakup with you just to mess with your feelings.
    I'd say move on and really don't stay friends with her, it will just make it worse. By her saying "lets be friends" she is just trying to let you down easily. Yes, maybe 3 months down the road you can contact her again and just check-up and who knows maybe you guys will become good friends, but right now isn't the time.
    As for things to do to keep her out of your head, go hang out with friends and most importantly, STAY ACTIVE!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    that big blue text is rough on my poor eyes.
    baby ya hustle. but me i hustle harder.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    I went through this, I thought I'd regret it for the rest of my life. 3 times I went back, She left me for my best friend all 3 times. Twice i forgave. Belive me, it will go away, Im with a girl even more amazing. It goes away, just have faith in that.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Let her go. Do not give her anymore chances to break your heart and take your feelings for granted again. I am going through a break-up myself too. I met my ex online and he always told me he loved me more than anything and anyone in this world. We had been together for 2 years and he just came to see me this year. And whats worse than ur case is that he freakin cheated on me twice. I gave him a second chance, he didnt cherish it at all. He even cursed at me coz I confronted with that girl. So basically I gave him another chance to destroy me. NOW I REGRET FOR NOT LETTING HIM GO WHEN HE CHEATED THE FIRST TIME!!!!!!!! I agree with Kene, u need to keep reminding urself that she played ur feelings and ur heart and thats disrespectful, that's how I get through my days now. And I am slowly getting better day by day.

    You're not alone here. Just help urself and let this life ruiner go. U dun need her to make ur life more miserable.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    sthforreal, Apollo89, swargolet, swargolet, kene
    thanks for your words,
    although the post is old, but well, i was back to her, and now i am trying to leave her, because i only leting her play me again,
    i will print all your posts and read them every day

    All the best

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    in this post,

    " loveforum.net/broken-hearts-forum/37981-my-first-love-dumped-me-there-some-pro-help-seek.html "

    i explain much about the situation, i hope you can give me your valuable opinions

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