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Thread: Will I get over him?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Will I get over him?

    My partner recently split with me and I am struggling to get over him.
    He broke up with me because he wants to leave the country, as he believes nothing is here for him. He claims that he wanted this all along, yet he still went into a relationship with me.

    We have ended up on bad terms. We were only together a short time but it felt like eternity. We met each others families, stayed at each others' homes, shared new years together, got intimate, exchanged " I Love You's". Yet, all this means nothing to him. It was like it never existed for him and it was all a dream.

    It has only been a few weeks since it all ended, and i am struggling. I have been out with my friends alot since then but something seems to remind me of him everytime I go somewhere. I really do love him, but I hate myself for it. After all the stuff he put me through.
    I gave up so much to be with him. I love dancing with a passion, but he hated nightclubs so I gave it up to be with him. Something which hurt me alot, but I did it for him so I could be with him, Yet he failed to realise that...

    He did the coward thing in breaking up with me in a carpark and leaving me on the street by myself at night. He just drove off and left me by myself alone and brokenhearted. And he had the nerve to 'finalise' the break up via sms. Which makes him even more of a coward. He simply said that "I have to get over it". Does he honestly think its thats simple? My heart is broken, I am scarred for life because of him.

    I know I shouldnt have, but I sent him an email this morning pouring out my heart and the pain I am in. Im not sure whether he will respond. Part of me wishes he will, the other is frighetened in what he is going to say...

    I really dont know if I will ever get over him. Being with him made me the happiest I had ever been. It felt like I had the world at my feet. Now it feels like a thousand knives are stabbing my heart. I dont know what to do. There will be nights when i cant stop crying and thinking about him..

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    the jerk humiliated you and you are still not sure if you'll get over him?
    The male is a domestic animal which, if treated with firmness, can be trained to do most things

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Seattle, WA
    Same advice applies here. Make a new life. Make new habits. Cook new foods. Put yourself out of your routine and make a new one. You're missing the bits of routine that involved your partner, and now he's gone. So, make new routines to replace him.
    "Well, then," the Cat went on, "you see a dog growls when it's angry, and wags its tail when it's pleased. Now I growl when I'm pleased, and wag my tail when I'm angry. Therefore I'm mad."

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    The reason I cant get over him is because im pretty much attached to his family. His mother and I became very close and I miss her dearly. I spoke to her the day after we broke up, and she was in tears on the phone. Saying sorry for what her son has done to me. And how much her and her husband liked me. Just hearing her cry made me cry.

    He just changed like the wind. One minute he was promising me the world. Saying how serious he was about being in a long term relationship then the next minute he doesnt want a relationship because he hates this state and there is "nothing here for him".

    Part of me wonders if there is more to it. But the other part of me doesnt want to know. But I hate leaving things unresolved.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by determined87 View Post
    He did the coward thing in breaking up with me in a carpark and leaving me on the street by myself at night.
    .....yea...if you talk to him ever again you are an idiot.
    "Why are you an atheist?"
    "because I paid attention in science class."

  6. #6
    Petit Papillon's Avatar
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    Girl... You WILL get over him. All You have to do is to remake Your mind.Stop to think that he was the best thing You've ever had.Think about the bad things he has done. And well, this issue with his mom... I also liked the familly of my ex. But I can't suffer with such an ass just because his family was nice. And so can't You.
    Btw. What an ass.He has left You at night in a park? Someone could have rape You or what. Really,unresponsible...
    I wazzzz here

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by determined87 View Post
    My partner recently split with me and I am struggling to get over him.
    He broke up with me because he wants to leave the country, as he believes nothing is here for him. He claims that he wanted this all along, yet he still went into a relationship with me.

    We have ended up on bad terms. We were only together a short time but it felt like eternity. We met each others families, stayed at each others' homes, shared new years together, got intimate, exchanged " I Love You's". Yet, all this means nothing to him. It was like it never existed for him and it was all a dream.

    It has only been a few weeks since it all ended, and i am struggling. I have been out with my friends alot since then but something seems to remind me of him everytime I go somewhere. I really do love him, but I hate myself for it. After all the stuff he put me through.
    I gave up so much to be with him. I love dancing with a passion, but he hated nightclubs so I gave it up to be with him. Something which hurt me alot, but I did it for him so I could be with him, Yet he failed to realise that...

    He did the coward thing in breaking up with me in a carpark and leaving me on the street by myself at night. He just drove off and left me by myself alone and brokenhearted. And he had the nerve to 'finalise' the break up via sms. Which makes him even more of a coward. He simply said that "I have to get over it". Does he honestly think its thats simple? My heart is broken, I am scarred for life because of him.

    I know I shouldnt have, but I sent him an email this morning pouring out my heart and the pain I am in. Im not sure whether he will respond. Part of me wishes he will, the other is frighetened in what he is going to say...

    I really dont know if I will ever get over him. Being with him made me the happiest I had ever been. It felt like I had the world at my feet. Now it feels like a thousand knives are stabbing my heart. I dont know what to do. There will be nights when i cant stop crying and thinking about him..

    Aren't you anything to him?
    Dump him,really.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Stockholm, Sweden
    What country is it anyways? Not to take his side, but if I found that Aussie-land doesn't suit me at all, well, you either move on or tie yourself down without a chance to get out. We're talking decades here. Would try my best to bring the lass along though, if we were close enough.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Im new in this forum and my situation is very similar, my friends told me to travel, to keep my mind busy, i hope this help you.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Go to a nightclub this coming Saturday and blow it out. Have a good time and remind yourself that there are actually some good things about this breakup.

    Maybe you can still see his family. He's gone, right, so it doesn't mean that you have to break up with them as well. My brother had an ex that my mom and I stayed friendly with for 10 years- no big deal.
    Spammer Spanker

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