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Thread: Is She Crazy or Am I?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Is She Crazy or Am I?

    Last edited by CrazyLove; 14-04-09 at 10:47 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Wow. Sounds like my ex-wife. Now I'm not one to give the best relationship advice, since I'm going through some rough times myself, but I can say this.

    If everything you're saying is true, then yes, she's a pathological liar. So much so that she actually believes that her lies are the truth. You seem that you're at least somewhat smart enough to realize that she's lying, but simply don't want to believe it. Sometimes you yourself can be blinded simply because you don't believe that someone could actually be so heartless, but believe me, it happens, and happened to me, and I was married to the bitch.

    Secondly, this may sound like a joke but please take it seriously. I hope that you *always* wore protection with her. If you didn't, even one time, go get that shit tested.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Last edited by CrazyLove; 14-04-09 at 10:47 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    I felt exactly the same way when I found out my wife was doing the same thing to me. All I could think of was "How the hell does someone do this to someone they supposedly love?"

    Truth is, regardless of what your girlfriend did or does to you, she is human and so is capable of feeling bad, which is why she tries to blame and accuse you of her wrongdoings.

    As far as your confidence and self-esteem. Ya, it'll suck for a while, it always does. But sooner than later you'll realize that, I know this might suck to hear, but she probably never really loved you to begin with. You were her first sexually, so she got attached, and honestly, it's probably the same case with you. When this realization hits, you'll set your standards much higher for yourself, because you'll know you can do much much better.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    To answer your questions:

    Am I wrong? No. You've had the proof right in front of you and all signs point to "this relationship is over." There's a really good chance she's going to try and make you the bad guy over this and put the blame on you.. but that's what a girl like her does. She'll probably never own up to her mistakes or take any responsibility for her actions.. which is all the more reason to bail.

    Am I crazy or overly jealous, paranoid? I think the whole breaking into someone online accounts, going through their phone, etc.. is a bit over the top, but it seems like that was the only clear way to get a real idea of what she was doing. If I were you I'd be jealous and paranoid too if I had people calling me telling me she was cheating and finding emails like that. When she gets all defensive on you after you confront her about things I'm sure she brings up that you're being "crazy/jealous/paranoid," and after a while you start to believe it.. however, again, you have the proof right in front of you. You've had proof more than once. You've caught her in lies and she just backs them up with other lies.

    Did I make the right decision? Yes. This girl is batshit crazy and I fear for any guy she's going to be with in the future.

    Am I mentally unstable or is she, or neither? I'd say she is.. If she came from an abusive home, pathologically lies, takes advantage of people, etc.. there's a really good chance there's a deeper issue there. Lucky for you though.. you don't have to deal with it or try and figure it out.

    Cut your losses and run.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Sounds similar to an ex of mine as well. She wasn't quite as bad with the lying but I had friends telling me that she was cheating on, confronted her and she said it was all a lie. Came up excuses all the time.

    I did eventually start to get paranoid and checked the messages in her phone once, found a few interesting messages. Didn't confront her directly but asked her questions in passing, her answers never stacked up.

    Even found one, when she had ran out of credit that she used my phone! I know because my bill had messages to a number that I didn't recognise and my sent message folder had cleared itself by magic...apparently.

    I did find out that she had been cheating on me in the end, she actually told me although I feel that was because it turns out that the guy was going to tell me as he was fed up getting messed about by her.

    Stupidly I stayed with her thinking we could work it out, that was a bad idea as nothing really changed. She even managed to separate me from some of my friends that she didn't like that kept telling me she was no good.

    It did end eventually a few months later, looking back I can't believe what I actually put up with. Even spent a several months feeling sorry for myself and wanting her back, glad I listened to the advice of friends and not peruse it.

    Cutting your losses is probably the best advice, as hard as it may seem with somebody you love you have to ask yourself is it really worth it?


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