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Thread: What does he mean?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    What does he mean?

    Hey, I need help trying to figure out what I mean to this guy.We're good friends, have known each other for about a year, met through a friend. We all go out at least once a week so see him quite alot. I have a bf who I love to bits been going out for just over 3 years, but I'm scared I think more about this other guy than I should. We'll call my bf B and the other guy D.
    B and D know each other and hang out, they like each other but B thinks that he's too friendly with me and we have had arguements in that past about this, I'm just not sure if he has a point.
    D txt me last ngiht after we went out as a group (B wasn't there he was working) He said "Hey, hope you had a gd nite, I did. Just wanna say thanks for being so kind and polite, I really appreciate how thankful u are for the things it means alot, not many people are like you. (D always gives me lifts when we go out cuz I can't drive yet) Your great, have a good week nite xx"
    I txt him back saying somethign like aww thanks that sweet of course i appreciate you giving me lifts everywhere, I didn't think you'd still be awake (he has to get up early) ect.

    He txt me back saying "yeah well i didnt think so but me and R (his bro) have been havin a chat, see you tuesday? U'r amazing"

    I said I dunno about Tues i've got the gym but maybe after i finsih i can meet u lkot up there? How come u think i'm amazing then? or did u mean to say insane, lol.

    He said well dont worry if u cant make it, i prob wont go if yur not thee anyway. Na I meant it when i said your amazing, it's true your an amazig girl and a really good friend, everyone should b like you, B is really lucky."

    What is going on????? Does he like me? Does he just think i'm a good mate? I'm totlly confused and worried that I think too much about him. Any help would be muchly appreciated.

    Qwerty xxxxx

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Its very obvious what you mean to this guy and I suspect you know it. He likes you a lot. It sounds like you are after the ego strokes (and rides) and he has plenty to offer. You even get him to repeat them. Its not fair to him though. If that's what you are after you are using him. Afterall you have a bf.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by pol32x View Post
    Its very obvious what you mean to this guy and I suspect you know it. He likes you a lot. It sounds like you are after the ego strokes (and rides) and he has plenty to offer. You even get him to repeat them. Its not fair to him though. If that's what you are after you are using him. Afterall you have a bf.
    Thanks for you reply. I just wanted to say that I didn't ask him to repeat what he'd said because I'm vain but because I didn't believe he really meant that, I was trying to give him a way to explain why he'd said it. A way other than that he likes me. Please don't think I'm trying to lead anyone on, an I haven't forgotton I have a bf, I just needed to know that I wasn't seeing/hearing.reading things that weren't really there. Thanks again for your post, it helped.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    He likes you. And this can't end well. Make a choice between B and D and let the other down gently. Best of luck!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    It definitely sounds like he likes you.. and you need to determine if this is a healthy situation for your current relationship. Do you think this can remain a friends only situation, or do you feel it has the possibility to escalate? If it's the latter, get out now.

    Realistically, you probably do like the attention. You can claim you just wanted him to "explain himself," but any explanation he could offer would obviously be one to stroke your ego.

    If you're having a hard time deciding what to do-- put yourself in your boyfriends shoes. What if some girl was giving him lifts places, texting him saying he was amazing/she couldn't wait to see him/wouldn't go places if he wasn't there/etc? Would you be ok with that? Add all of this to the fact that you've had arguments about it.. and determine what's more important to you-- keeping a guy around that obviously likes you and could be a bad situation, or keeping your boyfriend who obviously sees there's something past friendship brewing there.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Thanks for all your replies. I have a feeling that your gonna hate this next part. Naples u said I had to make a choice, well what if that choice wasn't really mine anyway, what if he has a gf? Does this make him an bad guy? I seem to have lost some clarity about the situation, hence the writing on a forum. Be brutal. I need some constructive harshness. Thanks for your help

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    alovehangoverr - I want this to remain a friends only thing but I worry that i'm feeling more than I should, I suppose that means I should stop seeing him or at least not be as close? Some part of me enjoys the attention but I am not trying to ask for it, this whole situtation is out of character for me. I've been with my bf for years and nothing has ever been a situation before. Of course if the situation was reversed I would be going spare. I don't wanna turn into the kinda person who is always in these types of situations.

    Obviously i'm a complete headcase
    Last edited by Brainache; 30-03-09 at 11:33 PM. Reason: Forgot something

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Brainache View Post
    alovehangoverr - I want this to remain a friends only thing but I worry that i'm feeling more than I should, I suppose that means I should stop seeing him or at least not be as close? Some part of me enjoys the attention but I am not trying to ask for it, this whole situtation is out of character for me. I've been with my bf for years and nothing has ever been a situation before. Of course if the situation was reversed I would be going spare. I don't wanna turn into the kinda person who is always in these types of situations.

    Obviously i'm a complete headcase
    I think it's fairly natural to develop crushes and even fleeting feelings for someone else when you're in a relationship-- as long as you don't act on it.

    However, in your situation.. it sounds like it could be a VERY BAD SITUATION. The things he's saying to you, regardless of if he attaches "your boyfriend is lucky to have you," on the end.. are still inappropriate. Your boyfriend is calling you out on it.. and I'm sure if you were to share those texts with him it would just reaffirm his suspicions.

    Add to the fact this other guy has a girlfriend? No. That doesn't just make him the bad guy-- it makes both of you the bad guy. Whether you want the attention or not, he's giving it to you and no where in your text replies did I see you tell him to stop or that he was out of line.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Your right. It's got to stop. Thanks for your bluntness, it helped.

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