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Thread: w00t w00t ! I GOT A DATE TONIGHT !

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    w00t w00t ! I GOT A DATE TONIGHT !

    I cant believe this ! - Two nights ago after I was already asleep I heard someone message me on yahoo (i have my speakers really loud cause i sleep with music) and it woke me up. I was very curious and couldn't resist the urge to go see who it was so late at night.

    Well, I ended up staying up the rest of the night talking with this girl online. She is from my city. And she is single. blah blah blah all that good crap. Same interests.. etc etc. And then I had to go to work so I told her to call me later that day.

    Well after work I realized that she never called me so I blew it off like it was just another internet thing that never works. Then like an hour later she gets online and starts talking to me.

    I flipped out and told her to call me - and at the exact time I pressed enter to send that message she sent me HER number... So hell yeah I called it. But I waited like 30 minutes to call. We kept talking online and then when I called she didnt know who I was. Then she figured it out and she wrote on the messenger "You sound HOT!" And then I laughed over the phone and she was like "HA! I knew it was you, Billy!"

    Well, we talked for prolly 5 hours on the phone last night. I told her my address and she told me hers. Then thats when I figured out she lives only like 1/4 of a mile away from me. How weird is THAT ? lol

    Well, today after work I am going to get my guitars, go pick up Nick and his guitars, then I am picking her up, then we are going over to my moms to play with my other two brothers (we all play guitar - but they are good and I suck at it, but i am getting better quickly). She said she would LOVE to go with me. She likes to go hang out with ppl. WHICH IS GREAT ! and another thing that is great is that she HATEs CLUBS the way I do ! haha ! its perfect !

    I will update you all on this tomorrow. Hell, maybe I'll even start kissing her tonight if things work out.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    England, Somerset
    Hey that sounds a great match. I hope it works out for you. maybe you will learn to play your guitar quicker if you know she likes it
    - Claire -

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    South East London Borderline Kent
    Goood Luck. Tell us how it goes soon.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Nashville, Tn
    Good Luck Billy

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    South East London Borderline Kent
    Have fun too. I suck at the guitar too. But I hope to one day be a well goooooooood guitar player. Hehehe.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Thanks guys ! I am soo excited ! I keep looking at the damn clock at work and I realize I only been here for 2 hours This day is going to be SOOO freakin slow until I go pick her up, then its going to go by really quickly.. which sucks, heh

    but yeah - I am so hella happy its unreal. My boss thought I was on some kind of an upper. lmao.

    I AM BACK ON CLOUD 9 !!!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    ...thought you already went on it...
    guess not...don't think about it during the day, high hopes might kill your mood later on, just hold it down cowboy.
    "Don't be afraid to fail because only through failure do you
    learn to succeed." "Oh and be careful what you do...you'll never know who's watching..."

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Crossing my fingers for you!!!!!

    Just remember You rock!

    I think the mistake a lot of us make is thinking the state-appointed shrink is our friend. - Jack Handy

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    South East London Borderline Kent
    Course he does. But he doesn't like me much though. LoL.
    Ahh well. I think Billy's well safe

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Ahemmmm, Billy, Make with the details already!!!!!!!

    I think the mistake a lot of us make is thinking the state-appointed shrink is our friend. - Jack Handy

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    South East London Borderline Kent
    Yeahh. Come on Billy. We're waitin' to hear the juicy details. LoL.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    We never met... Her dad has some kind of issues. I'll explain in a few minutes - right now I have to set up for the work day...

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Ok. yeah - like I said we didn't get to see each other last night.

    I already had plans to go somewhere for the night, and I was going to take her. So I was kinda pressed for time.

    We were going to go over to my mom's house and us guys were gonna play guitars and just have a good time just making weird noises (sence we cant really play, lol). Well, After work, I went to Nick's house. Picked him up. Then we packed the truck with our gear and started to go towards Jeni's house. Then I called her to let her know I was on my way, and she got all quite and depressed and said she can't go.

    I asked her why, and she said her dad wont let her go because he doesn't know who I am... So I was like, well do you want me to meet him real quick ? I was hopin to like run in, say hi, shake his hand, and then run off with his daughter, lol. But then she was like, "no.. he is the kind of guy that would want to sit me down for an hour or two and give me the third degree..." and I was like "oh..." So I then asked her if I could meet him on saturday sence thats the day I have nothing planned. She said thats cool. And then I turned the truck around and went to my moms and me, Nick, Brandon, Travis, Wesley, and Joey were all playing guitars at full blast on the amps at the same time and none of us really knew what the hell we were doing so it sounded like crap. But it was really cool to me tho. I had fun. I ran my mom, step dad, and my 2 cousins (females) out of the house and they went to my aunts house while we played. lol. Then I had the neighbors asking us to turn it down. Then we had the cops called out. Then we packed up and went home. We played for like 2.5 hours like that before the cops came. But I told them we would stop and go home and no one got a ticket.

    Well, when I got home I talked to Jeni online some more. Then I alled her and Nick talked to her online while I talked to her on the phone.

    Then we started talking in french - which is really weird cause i never been able to hold a co=nversation with anyone other than in english - she laughed at me because my pronounciation was wrong. its was fun - then Nick went home at 10:00 and I stayed on the phone with Jeni until like 12:30. We learned alot obout each other last night. It was great. So far, she really is ****ing perfect. So perfect I am getting worried. lol.

    But yeah. I can't wait til Saturday now. Well, I kinda can - I really dont want to meet the parents.

    I am 20 and she is 17... Yeah.

    But I will keep you all updated as things get stronger/weaker.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    ...i don't want to say i told you so...but i told you so...
    sorry about what happened dude. don't want to depress you anymore than you were but make sure isn't making shit up. and you're just meeting his parents just to see her for this one time? that's lame. but hope it works out.
    "Don't be afraid to fail because only through failure do you
    learn to succeed." "Oh and be careful what you do...you'll never know who's watching..."

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    mmmm.sounds fishy to me. i say if she cancles again, just don't continue to know her. she'll probably keep cancling on ya and it won't be worth it.

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