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Thread: need help to win her over

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    need help to win her over

    OK I need help winning this girl over She wants me to but I don't know how well at least not since we live like a real good distance away and everything I think of seems to come out need her here or me there the last thing i did was make a video for her which she like a lot and from what I heard she was very happy the next day and now I need some help on what to do next any ideas? please.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    How old are you both and how far away is she?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    im 20 she is 19 and we only live like about 20 hour drive

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Only a 20 hour drive? Dude, that's a THOUSAND miles!!!

    It's damn near impossible to keep a relationsip alive at that distance, even more so at your ages. How often could you see each other in person? Have you actually met in person? Will there be a time when you will both be living in the same place??

    About all you can do to move it forward at all is by Internet or phone. Sure, phone calls, webcams and videos can bring you closer, but you can't maintain a relationship over wires!

    I think you are setting yourself up for a lot of heartache if you try to pursue this.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2004
    what the hell? You meet on WOW or something?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Its no were I have plenty of relatives in that state that have already offered me a place to stay while I do college and stuff and besides this really seems like we are meant to be together with all that's happened and everything that seems to be pushing that way.

    and we meet on xbox live.
    Last edited by alhdragon; 10-04-09 at 11:29 AM. Reason: didn't want to double post

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by alhdragon View Post
    Its no were I have plenty of relatives in that state that have already offered me a place to stay while I do college and stuff and besides this really seems like we are meant to be together with all that's happened and everything that seems to be pushing that way.

    and we meet on xbox live.
    Well, if you can get close enough to spend at least two weekends together a month, it might work.

    By the way, Love Forum has enough tears from heartbroken couples who thought they were "meant for each other" to open a waterpark!!!


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by carl1222 View Post
    Well, if you can get close enough to spend at least two weekends together a month, it might work.

    By the way, Love Forum has enough tears from heartbroken couples who thought they were "meant for each other" to open a waterpark!!!

    Im just going the way that my dreams have pointed me must mean something that I was able to dream about her before I knew her and even if it doesn't work out I'll be glad I tried

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2004
    how many relationships have you been in?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    none I've date a lot but never found anyone who I wanted to be with and at that time I felt as if I was never gonna find anyone and thats when that dream came along. but to answer your question absolute zero

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by alhdragon View Post
    Im just going the way that my dreams have pointed me must mean something that I was able to dream about her before I knew her and even if it doesn't work out I'll be glad I tried

    So you are not asking for advice then ... just someone to say follow your dreams. OK ... follow your dreams, good f**king luck! What's the purpose of your post?

    Last edited by carl1222; 10-04-09 at 01:09 PM.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by carl1222 View Post
    So you are not asking for advice then ... just someone to say follow your dreams. OK ... follow your dreams, good f**king luck! What's the purpose of your post?

    Ive been following my dreams for almost 2 years gave up and then she just dropped out of no where and thanks but why I posted was because I need to know how I can win her over from my ex friend they were friends long before me so when we fought he drug her into this he has thought he had stopped her from messaging me and calling me and any contact whatsoever by block out communication but she continued to talk and message me but she just lied said she did but keep on talking to me then I did something to him and she decided to not talk to me anymore she became upset with me I told her that the only reason I did do it was because I felt he was tearing us apart and that I really liked her she forgave me and we started back messaging then me and him got into it again this time we just ran into each other online and it blew up from there at that time she told me that she really liked me and that I was a real sweet person and she loved talking to me and that he was mean a lot of the times but she couldn't lie to him anymore and that I would have to win her over if I wanted her and that she believed I could because she liked me (her words) a friend got me to make the video of my feelings which she really liked a lot and It made her really happy the next day and now I need some advice on this how to win her over.
    Last edited by alhdragon; 10-04-09 at 01:56 PM. Reason: forgot something

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