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Thread: What does she want?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Wichita kansas

    What does she want?

    I dated a girl for two months. The first month was the most perfect relationship i have ever been in. The second month, she basically treated me like shit and was miserble all the time it seemed. She barly would touch me or kiss me.

    She broke up with me one day when i put my foot down. I told her i was tired of her acting like this so i wasnt going to stop bugging her until she told me what was wrong. she broke up with me but cried as i left. and gave me a few long hugs. I felt like crap about half of the next day but as the day went on i felt better. I had plans with my friends all evening and somehow got her of my mind. Then she text me.
    She has text me every day. at first i didnt text back much cause i just wanted to get over it. But then after a few days she said she doesn't know if what she did was the right thing. so i started texting her more.

    Right when we broke up i was upset but almost relieved cause the whole month before i was worrying about her all the time. now idk how i feel. i want her back. Idk why. even though she treated me like shit for a month. i have never felt this attatched to a girl before. She told me she deonst know why she treated me like shit and kept telling me not to give up on her.

    She wanted to hang out so i went ahead and hung out with her last night. Everything went good. She seemed like the girl i used to know. She laughed and smiled. And when i droped her off she gave me a pretty long hug. after i left she text me and told me she had a lot of fun and that i looked really good. ( the last 3 weeks since we broke up i have worked out a lot and dieted)

    So idk what she wants. do i go along with this and for how long? im afraid if i go back with her ill just be setting myself up to feel miserble again. But i think its that first month that keeps me around. I have never been with a girl and been so happy all the time.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    The first 6-12 months of a relationship are the honeymoon months. If you guys were having problems after only the first month then don't think this is going to work out very well. What you saw in that second month is very likely how she really is.
    I don't chase, I replace.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Wichita kansas
    i think you may be right. last night we hung out again and we kissed for the first time in like a month. It was nice, and she kissed back she seemed like she wanted it. But just by the way she acted afterwards i realized it would never go back to the way it was. No matter how hard i try i don't believe that that"honeymoon stage" or whatever will ever come back.

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