Hi Guys,
My names Joseph to introduce myself.

I hope you dont get drained from this, but I really do need some advice on this epic, really, dilemma of mine,.

I have had a major dilemma in the last couple of months months of my life.
I work at a supermarket store, like any young kid.

Now, I have been in past relationships at school etc.

I met this girl, who works at the front desk. And dont get me wrong, I had strong feelign for her. It didnt come all too soon, I added her on some online messengers (facebook, etc).

Progressively, I got her number aswell.

This is when the dilemma really starts to kick in.

Texting her every single day of the start of the relationship, even during my school (even got busted in VisCom). She was a really really fun girl to know, me and her sent some really really bubbly (so to speak) messages.
I soon found out, that she had a BF.
To make matters even worse, she told me that she didnt like him, saying how he trys to call her, her calling him a fag to me, telling me that "love you"...,"love you heaps", all that stuff. She even asked me, "how am I gonna tel him to go away"? My hopes started to rise. I didnt push in at all, just gave her some advice, to see how she feels and all that. One of the next texts fully explained how she was going to drift away from him, all that stuff.

Now along with all this goin on, we kept on going like normal. Sometimes she would text me saying "she loves me more than anyone else in this crazy world". That night she admitted to having feelings for me.
The next day, normal texting again, then she told me that night, she went out with this BF of hers, told me that she really likes him now, and that, its a good thing, right. I was shocked to say the least, after all this messages, it came to this.

Still, we continued. She even told me that she would be willing to lie to this guy to hang out with me. Tellin me in "supa cool", "love youu" almost every single message, all that again.

My mind was spinning.

We were going to go out one day, she eventually bailed on me on the say, fully explaining to me how apparantly she thinks she will see me more than a friend and will ruin everything.

At work, she admitted to me that she was checking out, my rear end.

Through all of this I could tell that I really liked her. But I constantly thought im just being told. She is an adolescent herself as well as I am, I thought, but she is acting like this? (This was about 2 motnhs ago).

She told me that I make her feel better than she does one time.How her feelings have grown towards me. She told me aswell in one text that she had a little "fight" with this guy.

One morning at 12.30AM, almost to fall asleep we were talking about watching a movie together when she says "I really want to be with you rite now"

The the next day at work, she admitted to me after it that she was going to try and "hook up with me", at work. My boss was with me, so she obviosuly couldnt. She then tells me that it will happen one day, cause apparatntly she "cant hold back". In the back of my mind, she is with somebody. This is when I started to really question. Playing me? She asked me if she could "touch" me at the back of work, how i might get a "slap here and there"

My feelings grew immensly.

The last one and a half months have made me ponder alot. She constantly tells me she loves me, constantly tells me about this guy, just expecting me to agree with everything. She had another argument with the guy.

Another message in the middle of the night telling me how she just wants to be with me.

The week following these messages was so much stuff about her loving me more than she does, so much, how I "wouldnt be able to understand how much she loves me". Tellin me how this guy of hers isnt as good as me, and from her words, "so yea i love u mre!" How she is with this guy and "kinda wants me".

Then that day it happened. Her guy saw her messages. To me. And she was not upset at me, but i just think this changed the whole thing around (bout a month ago). She told me how he told her to calm it down between us, and dosnt want her texting me as much. I was furious. Some guy telling her what to do.

But yet again, she told me she wants to hang out with me, how much she loves me.....

Only about 2 weeks ago she texts me again saying how she is sick of this guys shit, hates the way he is to her. So.

I have met up with her out of work, twice and recently. It was fun.

Just after this I met her friends, 4 of her best friends. Some stuff happened where there was splits and they are not still talking to this date. One of these girls got my number and keeps on telling me how she and these 2 other friends of hers are "players" and how shes just leading me on. Trouble is i try to explain her, all this stuff I have explained, is it fake?? Not to mention one time she mentioned to me that some guy slapped her ass at school, she was going out with him (seeing this other guy and telling me), and hope he doesnt try anything".

So I cracked, I told her this is getting way too much to handle. Basically, I told her the facts. She thought I was over reacting. Tells me how apparantly some OTHER guy has been waiting for 16 months for me, let alone me, let along this guy at her school, the guy she is apparantly seeing too?

So, here I am now. Only a week ago I went to the local shopping mall to meet her after school, where she was with some guy (from her school), and totally ignored me. Not fully, but basically really was flirting with this guy, maybe she didnt notice, I certainly did.

Was the stuff her ex friend saying to me true?? I play basketball, sometimes I get so worked up from all of this.

I still love her. She knows it. And from after everythign I told her, the thing that is still on me now. She told me to "be patient and wait" at work one day, coming to me as I was working, and fully hugging me from behind as I knelt. It was that moment.

yesterday night, she told me she is going out with this guy of hers. ok i thought. She calls me after 5 hours, 3 o colock in the morning to talk to me.

So, thats where it ends temporarily. My feelings are mixed. I love this girl alot. and to the fact where i have honestly asked her "just aadmit it, you dont love me", she replies "you have no idea"

I get so worked up on things. I want to be with her. But all this stupid, really, setbacks, incidents and that. It makes me burn.

Sorry if it did take so long to read, guys and girls. I love her alot. I am just so confused on what to do. What to say do next. We are going out on Sunday, just to "chill out and talk"

Any help, it will be really really appriciated. Thanks guys, Jo.