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Thread: Stupid pharmacy wench!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Stupid pharmacy wench!!!

    I walk in with a 5 inch long, half inch deep gash on forearm, ask the lady for saline, a sterile suture kit, and a 5 day dose of Amoxyl and the lady flat out refuses me and asks me to leave/go the doctors.

    **** the doctors and **** her.

    I don't need some stupid high and mighty ****wit nor a no-lifer behind a third world counter to tell me what I should be doing or shouldn't.

    Dumb cunt!!!

  2. #2
    Charlie Boy II's Avatar
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    Too hard for the doctor, tough guy?
    Is it burnin'? Well, f-ck, now you're learnin'.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Charlie Boy II View Post
    Too hard for the doctor, tough guy?
    If I need a transplant, I need them.. for most other average occurrences, I don't.

    aka-You might not have experience rebuilding a motor, but you can easily maintain it without a mechanic.

    Anyway, found another chemist and had no problems getting what I was after.

  4. #4
    vashti's Avatar
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    Aren't prescriptions required for medications where you are?

  5. #5
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    Not for foreigners, Vashti. Unless it's something hardcore, then they drag their feet a little.

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    I want to stitch someone up...

    I almost took a job at the county jail system, but one of my old classmates told me I'd be stitching up inmate's rectums all the time, and I chickened out.

  7. #7
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    How did you get a 5 inch cut? Did someone stab you?
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  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1averagejoe View Post
    lmfao! haha what were you going to stitch your arm up right there right next to the "get well" cards?

    Suture kit you could get, some first aid kits come with them. Saline is easy to get. You're a doc? You don't have samples? I just don't think they wanted you doing that crap right there in front of them. lol

    Did you have any proof that you were a doctor? For all they knew you're just some crazy nutjob trying to pop pills and slit his wrist. The saline and suture kit was just a cover. haha
    Very few first aid kits ever come with suture kits, bud, nor enough of the proper irrigation saline to clean a flesh wound (unless you're on a blue water yacht) And Amoxil would have to be one of the most over prescribed antibiotics out there with no benefit to anyone unless you've got a low grade infection or suspect your environment might cause you to have one.

    I've got others handy, but they're overkill and lay ruin to my gastro tract.

    No, I'm not a Doctor (I chose the name because of Bugs Bunny) and no, a chemist is not a very good operating theatre.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mishanya View Post
    How did you get a 5 inch cut? Did someone stab you?
    Sheet metal corner of the sauna's heating element box was turned up/uncrimped. Slipped on a thong and went belly up.

  10. #10
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    Saline isn't medication though.

  11. #11
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  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by CocoChanel View Post
    Saline isn't medication though.
    Nor are suture kits, but everything is kept behind the counter and she refused to serve me.

  13. #13
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    Next time, medical supply store, Doc. For the sutures and stuff, anyway. Not a chemists shop. I find them really stupid/snooty in Oz. I went in to get some stuff for us for our sailing trip (offshore for over a week in stinger season, so we needed kit) and the chick at the counter wanted to give me this BS herbal remedy stuff until I told her exactly the chemical names of what I wanted and why. I was getting frustrated when I had to lecture to the gal that the Brit/Oz paracetamol was essentially the same as US Tylenol. The pharmacist at the back counter overheard the exchange, figured me for someone who knew what she wanted & got it for me. Finally.

    Its hard to find folk who will let you take responsibility for yourself, despite the BS claims that its an ideal. If it had been me, I would have let you go stitch yourself up if you wanted, or end up a Darwin Award trying.

    Hope your cut gets better.
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  14. #14
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    Not in Oz, but don't get me started about Australia. You couldn't get a NSAID up until 7-8 years ago without a prescription and a lengthy lecture by the chemist about the dangers of ulcers and renal collapse.

    One fellow told me he wasn't going to fill the prescription for ibuprofen unless I sat through his 2 minutes of soapbox spiel.

    I told him to stick it up his arse and that I'd rather pay for a flight to the States and hit a Kmart for a 500 tab bottle of generic than listen to his uppity bullshit.

    My medical kit back home is stocked well, but it's a constant process of bringing back what I need from other nations and rotating the stock, which is costly when you don't use half of what you've got and can't donate it to anyone who would comfortably/legally use it up before the expiration. But at least I don't have to deal with doctors or chemists for the most part.

  15. #15
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    you're supposed to rambo that shit and wrapped it with up a piece of your torn shirt.

    ...this is just my perspective on the situation...

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