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Thread: He's going to college, but we met not too long ago...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    He's going to college, but we met not too long ago...

    Hi! this guy and I met a few months ago, about three, and since we first talked, we always connect really well. I mean really, our conversations go on for HOURS and tehre's always something to talk about. we connect REALLY well. anything we ask eachother, we get an ansswer because we're comfortable with eachother. one day he asked me if i liked him, and i replied with a yes, but i told him i didnt want him to know because of the complications it comes with.
    See, the thing is, I'm only entering my 10th grade and he's going off to college. I let him know before he told me. After i told him i liked him, he asked me if i believed in long distance relationships. I said yes, and he agreed, as long as both people do their part and try to make things work. today he told me he liked me as well, and I think if things continue going how they're going right now, we may become a couple.

    Again, 10th grade and college freshmen. Please, i want to hear nothing about age. It's not that big a difference. I was thinking of dating him during the summer, and we would see where that takes us and talk about entering a LDR. But what do you guys think? should we date at all during the summer? I really like him, and we enjoy talking to eachother. I went on a date with him today and it was amazing. Also.. I'm going to taiwan until aug 10th, meaning our time is cut short (of course we'll stil IM and stuff) His college is a two hour drive, so its not like super far and there wont be like billing issues or anything.
    Any advice, personal experiences, and opinions are welcome (:. please and thank you ^^
    Last edited by mimioreo; 26-06-09 at 05:05 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2009
    I dunno.. what do you think?

    If you believe that I am going to say yes or no to this, then you have it wrong.

    It's YOUR choice to make.

    You have to do what you think or feel is right for YOU, regardless of the opinions of others.

    If it works out, great, whoohoo. If it backfires, hey, hope you learn your lesson.

    Just like with everything else you have a 50/50 chance.

    It's your call. It always was and always will be.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Austin, TX
    I am not going to give the speal about bitching about age difference, you've heard it enough I guess.

    If you plan on visiting him often, then that helps a lot, but physically seeing someone and holding them, well... it means a lot, its a lot more comforting. I had a LDR, for a year in fact, and to be honest, it sucked. My situation was different, where my ex was about a 6-7 hr bus ride away. I would suggest you cut off things... just because you only met him for 3 months, and now, after only 3 months, you are starting your LDR... it seems less likely.

    In HS, I was dating someone else a year below me. I was going to graduate, she stay at college, and we both decided to split up as I graduated and she stayed behind. No foul play, just, making a mature/logical decision about where to take a distanced relationship.

    I am definitely not a fan of LDRs, they can work, absolutely, 100% they can... but you both need to set aside time to talk to eachother, you both need to try and visit often, and it would have been better if you had been dating longer...

    Just my $0.02

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    YGG: Yah, for sure, i'm not saying oh, what you say i'll do, just some feedback and opinins would have be helpful.

    Thetooya: Mmm, thanks for sharing your experience. I agree, definantly would have helped to dated longer, but yah, i'm just looking for feedback. Thanks (:

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