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Thread: Author Needs Help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Author Needs Help

    Submissions wanted –

    Author MC Ratto is seeking submissions for her upcoming book “Letters From The Battlefield Called Life”; a compilation of letters written by men and women who want to share their thoughts, feelings and stories of personal triumph and tragedy.

    Your letter can talk of love lost or found. It can convey gratitude or respect or express anger, hurt and betrayal. You can use your letter to lend a voice to feelings unspoken through the years but that remain like a weight on your soul. You can share your recipe for a successful, fulfilling life or warn of the price you’ve paid for mistakes you’ve made. Imagine yourself writing a letter to humankind…what would you say about where you’ve been and what you’ve seen?

    Every day, celebrities, politicians and newsworthy figures share their personal stories of triumph and tragedy and they discuss how they’ve grown and changed and they share what they’ve learned from these experiences. Everyday, all over the world, ordinary people experience triumph and tragedies that impact significantly on their lives and they grow and change and learn, but no one takes notice. There’s no one to tell…until now.

    “Letters From The Battlefield Called Life” gives a voice to ordinary people with extraordinary stories. These letters may be about a particular person, place or thing, but they reach out to something in all of us that makes us the same. This book isn’t about the differences between us, but about the experiences and emotions that bind us together as human beings. These letters can act as housekeeping for the soul while providing inspiration to someone in a similar situation.

    It is not necessary that you reveal the identity of the person(s) you are writing to or about in your letter. All efforts will be made to protect the privacy and confidentiality of all parties involved. No information will become part of the completed manuscript without the submitter’s written consent.

    If you wish to contribute a letter or have any questions about participating, please submit an email to [email]unspoken2009@gmail.com[/email]. MC Ratto will provide you with the necessary details and will be happy to answer any questions.

    Thank you.

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    Sorry I gave you the clap. I had no idea your sister was infected.
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    If people are good only because they fear punishment and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed.
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