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Thread: Help a poor mixed up girl.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Help a poor mixed up girl.

    had something happen a week ago with my boyfriend and need some advice on how i'm feeling since then. we've only been dating a few weeks. we were at the park doing boyfriend/girlfriend stuff..running around barefoot, playing on the grass and whatnot. while we were horsing around he ended up losing both of his contact lenses. i knew he wore them but didn't know that he was practically blind without them. what really got me was how his personality changed. in a second he went from mister strong and confident to a vulnerable little boy. i could tell he was scared and was trying to hide it. after losing his contacts i had to guide him back to the car because he could barely see to walk. i thought it was kind of endearing with him being so dependent on me. I took him back to his place so he could get his glasses. he doesn't like wearing them and isn't happy about losing his only pair of contacts, which he can't afford to replace for a while. anyway, as soon as he had his glasses on he was back to his old self but i could tell he was a little embarrassed by the whole ordeal. but here's the deal....it turned me on seeing him more or less helpless. making out has taken on a new weird kind of thrill for me because it gives me an excuse to take away his glasses so i can see that vulnerability again. i would never take them to be mean but i feel kind of guilty by getting off on taking away something he desperately needs.

    i want to be open with him and tell him about this but i have zero ideas on how to do it without coming off like some kind of dominatrix. hell, maybe that's what i really am and am just finding out. any thoughts?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Well.. it's pretty normal he's getting scared if he can't see shit. Try to walk around blindfolded and you'll get the idea.

    You're having a bit of a mean streak there taking away his glasses to seeing him vulnerable.

    Maybe you should talk to him. You never know, he may be interested in being dominated

  3. #3
    Tug's Avatar
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    Yeah thats it, take away his glasses to prove your own self worth.

    If you like the guy let it go. Being blind as a bat is obviously a major issue for him, no point in rubbing his nose in it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    the floating island in my imagination
    don't mess with his sight. i know how he feels because i couldn't find the bathroom in my house without my glasses. also when you take his glasses away, and he tries to keep his eyes open and looks at stuff to continue being with you it most likely makes his dizzy, i know it makes me super dizzy to try to look at anything without my contacts/glasses. so you are making him physically sick while expecting him to perform. dude don't do it. plus you don't want to emasculate him.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Just damn....

    Ok, I don't know much about your relationship but on the surface it sounds a little mean. First, most guys really don't like feeling vulnerable. If this is just a foreplay thing, I could sort of see that it might be kind of ok as long as he's cool with it. And I know that glasses can get in the way when you're kissing. Now if you're just randomly taking them away from him for laughs, then that's seriously not ok. Maybe he trusts you enough to be that vulnerable around you. I don't know.

    This does sound like it has some kind of BDSM quality to it. But instead of tying him up to make him helpless, you're taking away his glasses. You really should ask him if it bothers him because you are taking advantage of a serious weakenss. I can understand him being scared after losing his contacts. You need to find out if it scares him when you take away his glasses. If it does you should stop.

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