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Thread: Ever had weird love dreams?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2003

    Ever had weird love dreams?

    ever had weird love dreams?

    no I don't mean sex dreams, but dreams where you felt love for someone? I had one recently about a girl I'd tried to talk to, she shot me down though. Anyway, in the dream we were riding a dike and she was behind me, I leaned over and pecked her on the cheek, and then we kissed. I said something I think, like I thought she didn't want me, and then she said she did or that she loved me, but she wished she didn't. I woke up with a strange feeling, sad feeling that I never got to know her, cause she shot me down, and I think we would've gotten along, I dunno. Anyone ever have these? They really mess with you, lemme tell ya! But I don't want to shake it off too soon cuase I had that feeling like I was loved in it, y'know?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    England, Somerset
    i had a really strange love dream

    i was in the park one day and i met this guy that i had fancied 4 aggggesss. we started talking and holding hands. we went to the shops together and brought icecream... then we where walking up the road and like crowds of my friends and people that hate me where all running down the road to me and him... they where all like screeming and looking really angry and they where all looking at me. then the guy i was with dissapeared and all the crowds boxed me in a corner.. and they nearly got close enought 2 touch me but i woke up.... thank god...

    i was like shaking like mad when i woke up...lol weird.
    - Claire -

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    oh hell yea i haf... I tink after one breaks up he/she wud get dreams abt the person he/she broke up wif... idk

    i keep gettin dreams tt bring me to fairytale land... u kno like those in which the person who rejected u came back to u? Dun realli wanna go into the details here cos i tink juz abt everyone here understands how itz like

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Sorry if this brought any bad memories or caused any bad thoughts to anyone.

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