Ok, so i know my gf can get pretty jealous easily. She wants me to have absolutely nothing to do with the opposite sex. I even stopped talking to a couple girls i've been friends with for awhile now. anyways I was talking to a girl on myspace I had been friends with for awhile, and we were only talking music. Well I delete all my messages on myspace, but I guess I paused when i was typing the message and it saved it as a draft. So I'm logged in Months later and i leave myspace on, and my girl gets on and looks through my inbox. And it kind of surprised me too when she clicked on the drafts and we saw the draft i was writing. Well after she read it she wouldn't talk to me for the whole night. She even started tearing up, and it kind of made me mad because all the message was about was how we couldn't wait for a new CD to come out. And now she uses it all the time to try and get to me. Like she can't trust me or something. She often demands for me to log on to she can check my messages and its starting to get annoying.

Thats pretty much it, I just want to know is she overreacting? Or did I do something that I should be ashamed about? cause that is how she's trying to make me feel.