Here we go, i've been dating this girl for about a month, i've dated her before a year ago, this is the first ex i've ever gotten back together with, i cant say why we broke up a year ago but what i can say is that it wasnt problems with our relationship.

well last week we were together and she wanted to go to a friends so we went over there it was sorta late at night, everyone was drinking but us until she got a beer from her friend, all was fine i met a few of her friends which happen to be all guys but i didnt think anything of it.

during the time we were there she told me "well this is awkward" i asked her why and she said she'd tell me when we go to leave so about 15 minutes later we're getting in my car and i go to drive off, i ask her "why did you say it was akward" come to find out all except for 1 or 2 of the guys there has a crush on her/dated her/had sexual relations with her in the past (the near past).

this made me angry because i met these people and they acted as if nothing was going on and acted as if they were trying to be my friends, so i went to her friends acted like everything was okay and shook all their hands like an asshole i literally felt like a dumb ass after i heard that from her.

so about 4 days ago she left her apartment to go to her friends house around 1-2 in the morning and ended up drinking with a guy that has a huge crush on her then decides to call me that morning and tell me "yeah im drinking a little and staying at my friends can you pick me up tomorrow".

this angered me because she put my feelings in a bind because she could be doing anything with these guys and i'd never know so just because she wants to act inconsiderate and get drunk around guys that have something for her it makes me feel like shit she doesnt care though she tells me she loves me.

yesterday i dropped her off at her parents where she said she would be staying the night, however i get a call around 8:15PM saying that she's at her friends getting drunk again and this time she's around even more guys so i shrug it off and keep it to myself i say nothing and politely get off the phone with her.

so i get on myspace and i change my mood to reflect my current mood, she see's this an hour later and calls me asking me whats wrong i try and tell her nothing but she insists on knowing so i finally let it out and tell her "im tired of you ****ing with me and making me feel like shit because you put yourself around a shitload of men that want a piece of ass" she starts crying a little then saying "what you dont trust me" i told her trust is earned and not alot of people have earned my trust.

so while we're arguing i hear some girl in the background telling her to hang up on me and that im not worth it, this girl keeps this up for a good minute i dont mention it to my girlfriend to see if she'll stick up for me, sadly she didnt so i told her "you tell that bitch to shut her mouth before i come over and shut it for her".

then she say's "please dont talk about my friends" but yet its okay for them to talk shit about me right in front of her and her not take up for a man she supposadly loves.

then i ask her "when are you going to be home" she say's i dont know maybe an hour then i hear some jack ass say "she'll be home when she wants to" so all i said to her after that was "i see, you let your "friends" speak for you" then i hung up after she said let me talk to you tomorrow.

i sent her a message on myspace saying "dont call me bye".

now she put a mood update saying

"Dont worry I wont call. I some times wonder whi I have to cry about this, not that any1 gives a shit. *completely and utterly lost for words"

now i think she was totally wrong, but i want opinions