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Thread: First date set-up question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    First date set-up question

    Just want to know if you can tell at all from this next bit of info if she's interested in me or not.

    First, I met her in a bar, she was there with some friends after work. She asked me for my number/e-mail. We both live in the outskirts of downtown, in the same town, and through conversation found out we're actually walkable distance. So we took the same train home, then I paid for a taxi for us from the station. We split that night, but exchanged very nice "thanks for tonight" texts in which she said, "let's go out again." To which I replied, "definitely. good night."

    That was Friday night. I would like to meet her again, so on Sunday night I sent the following text:

    "Hey Did you have a good weekend? Wolverine comes out Friday, I was wondering if you'd like to go see it on Saturday."

    Now before I get laughed at for inviting her to a comic book movie that is months old, let me put this in context: I live in Japan, so it hasn't come out here yet. And also on the train we found out we have a lot in common in terms of entertainment, she has seen all of Lost, she said she would rather see Transformers like 100 times before she goes to a romantic comedy, and she also mentioned she wanted to see the upcoming Wolverine.

    Her response was this:

    "Hey there. Thanks for the text. The weekend went by so fast...yeah I'd like to go on Saturday, but I have a doctor's appointment, I've also got plans in the evening, and the next day I have an exam at work...how does the 19th work for you?"

    To which I replied:

    "Sure, the 19th works! Let's go then Good luck on your work exam. Good night."

    Then that's it, I went to bed, and now it's the next morning and I'm really wondering how to not screw this up. The 19th is great, but I really want to see her before then, but I feel that any more input from me is going to really unbalance it and make me look too desperate. On the other hand, if I were in her position, I would be flattered if the other person was like, "I'd really like to see you again without waiting two weeks."

    What is she thinking? It seems all good at this point, just wondering.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Nice, France
    If she was eager to see you sooner than 2 weeks, she would have said, great lets meet on the 11th!

    When you are officialy dating someone, i guess it is ok to ask a bit more time, a bit more frequency, but you're not dating her, in fact it will be your first date!

    Relax, if you really like her you can wait..... dnt be too forward right now, its too much too soon ...hope it goes well!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    I disagree with the above poster. Two weeks gap is more of a friendship to me.

    Plan something with you and your friends later in the week and then call her and invite her to join. Encourage her to bring some of her friends. It will be informal and so she won't get the feeling of desperation because in her eyes, you would have been out having fun even if she would have declined.
    I don't chase, I replace.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Bolacool View Post
    Yes, she is definately interested, if not she would have politely but outrightly rejected your invitation. The fact is that she did not want to act as if she is too anxious to go out with you. Next time try to use subtle method to persuade her to go out with you before the 2wks she has chosen; something like "yeh the 19 sounds alright but I thought I can see your lovely face before that, how about the 10th, may be we can share a cool time at...." I hope you get the gist here?
    Not true. Some women are just too polite and nervous about hurting someone's feelings. She could very well not be interested and is trying to push the date farther away so that he might lose interest and move on or the conversation might dwindle.

    You don't have to wait two weeks to show that you aren't anxious. When I date someone before it turns into a relationship, I aim for seeing them twice a week. Sometimes three times. It gives the right amount of space and also shows interest.
    I don't chase, I replace.

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