I'm not really looking for advice after a break up. However, I'm having difficulties in my relationship as I've posted about in another part of the forum.

The fact is, I don't know what's going to happen with me and my girlfriend. Either she'll get through her rough times and decide she wants this relationship, or she'll decide that she simply doesn't want this relationship anymore. I have no idea what's going to happen, and neither does she as she is extremely confused in her life right now.

My point is, until my girlfriend contacts me (the longest would be 2 1/2 weeks when she visits home) how do I act sane? I'm not looking for ways to survive a break up as that's not really what's going on. I'm not really looking for ways to get over her, either. I'm just looking for advice to not freak out during the next 2 1/2 weeks, if that's how long it takes.

No one knows what's going to happen with out relationship. How do I get through the day not worrying about that? I find myself constantly thinking about the worst possible outcome (I do have a bit of anxiety)? We've been dating for almost 3 years and we're both almost 21 years old.

I find myself accepting the fact that she needs space to figure out her life, but can't get myself to think logically. All day I think about "What if she doesn't want this relationship?" I need to not think about that, because (like I said earlier) no one knows if that's even going to happen.

I've tried consuming myself in homework. I've tried some meditation techniques, which do help. I know I'm supposed to hang out with friends and family, but it's so hard to get myself to do that. Thinking about hanging out with friends makes me feel sick. I think maybe it's something I'll have to force myself to do? I'm also considering seeing a counselor. I think that will help me not worry all day.

I know this post is all over the place. I'm just looking for ways to get through the next 2 1/2 weeks. I keep thinking about the worse possible scenario. I keep digging into every little detail and assuming the worst. This makes me over analyze the situation and turn it into something it's not. It's driving me crazy! The hardest part is that I keep thinking about her and all the things I love about her. It makes me miss her terribly, and makes me feel like she's living me. When really, that might not even happen. Any advice?