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Thread: Odd change in behavior..

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Odd change in behavior..

    I'm a 20 year old male, in college. I met this girl on the first day of classes, not much "happened", other than us exchanging some smalltalk(very briefly), before class started. No names were exchanged or anything. She was very nice to me during the short chat we had. Class went on as usual, day ended. After class ended, I realized I kind of liked her, and wanted to get to know her more..and eventually ask her out.

    The next week (the class is only once a week) we had an activity in which we seperated into groups. Unfortunatley, grouping was just for people sitting near you, and I hadn't expected this otherwise I would have sat by her. The group activity had us walking around, etc, and I locked into eye contact with her several times, made sure to smile at her when we passed by each other, and she smiled back at me. Near the end of class I helped her by lifting a heavy object up onto a shelf she was having trouble with. She was appericiative, and I think a bit shy about it, too. The signals I got from her that day made me think, that she might be interested...

    The following third week, I went into the class determined to really befriend her. Luck was on my side, as we were both a little bit late to class and by coincidence the only spots left were both right next to each other, so she sat next to me. I told myself prior that I wasn't leaving class today without getting to know her. I asked her name, gave her mine, and we talked, and joked, laughed, and really had fun before the instructor actually begun class. We had another group activity, (this one where you could pick your own groups) and by that time, we were pretty comfortable talking to each other, because I was very confident the whole time. I asked her to group with me, and she willfully accepted without even thinking twice. (I also asked some other quiet guy sitting near us if he wanted to group with us that really didn't pose any "threat" if you know what I mean, he was much older, probably in his 40s, because we had to have 3 people in our group minumum) It was actually kind of funny to see a few other girls she knew in our class that made a group ask her if she wanted to be in theirs and she almost braggishly said she already had a group. (this made me feel great)

    We had great fun doing the activity, she was very easy to work with and we laughed and joked some more, it was very enjoyable. I broke the touch barrier one time, if you call a hi-five breaking the touch barrier. (She hi-fived me after we got a question right, it was very playful-ish)

    Here is where the confusion started. Up until now, everything that happened between us since I first met her had indicated to me that she was interested in me, enough that I should at least pursue it farther. Near the end of class that day, her behavior oddly changed almost like an on/off switch. All of a sudden, she seemed quiet, she wouldn't look me in the eyes with the ease as she had previously, was not as talkative to me as she was not even 10 minutes prior. (I don't mean she just started ignoring me , what I'm saying is that she went from being "interested" to somewhat "detached") I don't know if it's because she was being shy (wouldn't make sense to me after we had just had a great time in class) or if I did something to push her away. I honestly do not know possibly what It could have been. I was actually amazed at myself at how confident and well I carried myself the entire class talking to her, I can't fathom I did anything that would cause her to change her behavior like that)

    Anyway, class ended, and I was on my way out of the building, I spotted her in the lounge/cafeteria eating at a with some guy friends. I didn't think it would be appropriate to go sit with them, because I've really only known her for like one day. I'm not 100% sure, but I don't think any of them are her boyfriend, but I could be wrong. So now I'm sitting here writing this, trying to figure out why exactly class ended the way it did, why the change in behavior? Does that indicate that she already has a boyfriend? Did I do something that made her change her opinion of me? Or mabye she just got really shy for some reason? I don't know the answer. I'm trying to figure out what my next move will be, next week when I see her in class again..

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    An Insular Yuppie Neighborhood in a Big American City
    I don't think you should read too much into it, or your incipient relationship with this woman. And, yes, I think you should have sat by her and her friend. It would have indicated romantic interest.

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