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Thread: I think I need new friends

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2009

    I think I need new friends

    Well, I have this one friend who is driving me batty. He keeps trying to go out with this girl who rejected him like 3 times and he keeps saying "I will have sex with her because I am irresistable." He weighs 230 lbs and is as tall as me. I weigh 155 lbs and am 5'10''. She even told him that she doesn't like him.

    As for some of my other friends, I think they are starting to bring me down. If I party one night, they shake their heads at me. Rediculous! I brought beer to my one friend who isn't 21 yet, and they told me I was an enabler because he started drinking it during the day and showed up drunk to this place and made an ass out of himself. They basically blamed it on me. I thought I was being nice for bringing him beer.

    I really think I only have one or two true friends. The rest just bring me down. They don't even talk about girls much. My friends are all guys. I talk about girls all the time. And I'm always like "check out that girl over there." I mean I don't pursue it, I just look.

    What do you think?
    I will do my best to reply with an educated, humble and honest answer. Ultimately, it is up to you whether you want to listen to my advice or ignore it completely. Sometimes, my advice may be wrong; occasionally, it will be right. Regardless, I want to do my best to give people answers they are seeking.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
    I discovered I don't have any real friends. At least your people care about you and notice you, blame you and argue with you.
    I have only one true friend, who is 26 and lives with his mom, helping out his blind grandmother, he has told me his deepest secrets. Always wants to go out for a walk etc just because he is bored and sick of his life.
    Somehow I attract people with all kinds of problems. Like people who have constant fear of losing someone, knew a girl who had anorexia because of that, but now she is somewhere in the other side of the world, and it was one sided friendship -- she always just told me things, and I listened, that was about it, she never did anything.
    Another one is a sociopath who learned to socialize and now seeks inspiration in meditation, just like me. But our ways of thinking are much too different.

    Unlike you, I really don't have any real friends with who I can do stuff together and really enjoy the time. We usually just chat, which leads to chatting about deeper meanings of life, and eventually depression. But I really don't have anybody with who i can just do stuff, like go out in a pub, discover places, ride bike, go drawing, etc. So most of the things i do, i do alone, even wondering in dark abandoned places completely alone at night -- because I like it.

    And yet it has always interested me how people become this or that, what affects them and who is how much to blame, I guess thats why I am partly interested in psychology and social dynamics. I thought about going to study something related to these subjects after I finish my art college, but I never did a math exam and now I have partly forgotten some things. Need to start over.
    Don't expect anything.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    New York
    If you think you need new friends then go find new friends.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    it's easy to make friends, it's keeping them is the problem coz people change, especially up until the age of at least 27 in my view anyway. by the age of 27 you will have your friends for life but before that you will wander between many different friends. i think partly is the reason people don't settle before that age, they study-meet new people, they get a job-meet new people, they travel-meet new people, they choose a social/sport-meet new people, they get married/ a gf-they settle and it will generally only be a handful of people who stuck. you have a lot of growing and moving to do yet me boyo
    Work like you don't need the money. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like nobody's watching

  5. #5
    pdubu's Avatar
    pdubu Guest
    Ah I wish I had a guy friend that I could do things with. Like, not homosexually, but just go out, and maybe try to get a few girls to go out. The majority of my friends, are too scared to try for a relationship now. And those who aren't, have their heads in the clouds thinking about Ms.Alba & other beautiful women, whom they will never reach.

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