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Thread: Birthcontrol and plan B question.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Birthcontrol and plan B question.

    This is just a vent. but feel free to comment.

    So... my GF just broke up with me.. and it hurts soo much...

    We usually have unprotected sex. and on very rare occasions she lets me cum inside her. She is on Birthcontrol. well...we were having sex, and i miss understood and thought she said i didnt have to pull out. but infact said please pull out. I miss understood and let loose in her. She got super upset and started crying and i was saying how she was gonna be fine.. Then she notified me on how she took her pill a few hours late 3 days in a row, and was freaking out.. i tried to calm her down, and i felt bad.. but i mean come on.. a few hours.. not a big deal. its not like she didnt take it at all... even if so, if you take BC for a long period of time correctly, even when u stop it will take your body months before its back to normal. which in that time you can still get prego just like u can while your on it but the chances are so slim.. and she just missed by a few hours..

    So the night was kinda ruined i felt bad all night she was pissed at me... The next day we go and get Plan B. She takes the pills at the right time...

    So not only is she on BC but she took plan B cause she was scared for taking BC a few hours late 3 days in a row.

    Well im not gonna get into how we broke up..but it had nothing to do with this. but she did break up with me. And even after the plan B she is still worried about being pregnant. Im so hurt and so desprate to get her back i almost wish she did get pregnant so she would have a reason to be with me. I know that sounds ****ed up but thats how badly i want her back.

    Can anyone who knows about Birth control tell me,would 3 days of being late really make a difference? and then taking Plan B...within probably 15 hours. yet she is still worried, is there something im missing? or is she just parranoid?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    wanting her not to break up with you is a terrible reason for wanting to bring another life into this world.

    anyway, she's probably not since she took all the precautions.
    baby ya hustle. but me i hustle harder.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    United Kingdom
    I doubt she is. being late taking the pill by up to twelve hours is fine for a few days. And she took plan B so that should have done the job even if there was anything there.

    Plus, get your thoughts straight. Having a kid with someone just to get back together with them is WRONG! Imagine 18 years down the line, do you picture yourself and her still being together with a fully grown son/daughter???

    Go for a walk and get your shit in line my friend. Sorry to be harsh, but getting pregnant and having a kid is a big deal which it just doesnt sound like your relationship was ready for.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    no place
    She's not pregnant

  5. #5
    l2m's Avatar
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    I doubt she is pregnant, even if she wasn't being diligent about taking her bc pills, Plan B will cover that

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