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Thread: Self Fulfilling Prophecy?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2004

    Self Fulfilling Prophecy?

    There's some information that I have to share with you to make sure that all of this makes sense. Peter, and his brother Paul, are ministers - this is always the last bit of information I give people about them as apparently some people find the thought that ministers are people and that they date and do things regular guys do to be shocking! I met Paul because he is my minister, and four years later he is also one of my best friends. It is through my friendship with Paul that I know that there are certain rules that you have to follow when dating a minister unless you want to be fodder for the gossips.

    Friday night there was a dinner party for our Young Adult group - it was a good time. Peter and I had agreed to meet up there when he got done having dinner with his parents. So an hour after dinner he arrived and I got a hug but he kind of kept his distance which I was not remotely concerned with - I've been around Paul enough to know the rules. At the end of the evening we all went home to our perspective homes - Peter went to Paul's house. I called them when I got home and volunteered to DD as I wasn't in the drinking mood.

    I should make sure that I also mention that our church family suffered the loss of six members this past week. Which meant that Paul had been confronted with saying good-bye to six members and performing 4 of the funerals. So he was in dire need of blowing some steam off. This weekend was also a big event in Pensacola called Bushwhackerfest - where we get bands in and there's all kinds of crowds and partying.

    I picked up the guys and we then picked up Paul's friend Jen. I noticed immediately that Peter was very quiet which is unusual as we normally have a ton to talk about. I asked if he was okay and his response was he was just taking it all in. We spent the evening at the beach and at the end of the night we loaded up and headed back to Paul's house. When we got there - Jen and Peter ended up "wrestling" in the parking lot - I confess that I felt a little awkward as their wrestling looked a lot like flirting and they were both "buzzed" which is often when things go horribly awry.

    We all ended up in the house - Paul and Jen on the sofa, me sitting in the most uncomfortable recliner ever, and Peter in the rocking chair. I sat there for an hour and then decided it was late, I was tired, and the evening had clearly come to an end so I announced I was leaving. At which point Paul jumped up and ran into his room, Jen made a bee line for the bathroom, and Peter stood up to hug me goodbye and plead his case that I didn't need to leave. Well I did leave, four hours later. We crashed on the sofa.

    I left that morning absolutely walking on air, and Peter and I made plans to get together later that afternoon. I spent the morning buzzing around grocery shopping and cooking. I prepared red beans and rice for our entrée and crawfish pie for our side dish. He said that the food was wonderful but he still was awfully quiet. Knowing that we were headed to church I told him that being friends with Paul I know Ministers have to behave a certain way around parishioners so I didn't want to make him feel uncomfortable and was trying to take my cues from him. He seemed pretty glad to hear that.

    We went to church and then went to dinner with Paul and the band. We had a drink while we were there and then he took me to meet his best friend from high school, Ron, and Ron's wife and daughter. We stayed there for a couple of hours and then we parted ways. He left for Panama City and I went home.

    For the first time I felt a little disappointed as we parted ways. I didn't get a hug or a kiss good bye - I just got a wave. We didn’t make any plans for next weekend. I felt a little uneasy, and today I feel down right uncomfortable.

    I'm wondering if this is a bad sign or if this is just me worried over nothing? I wonder if something is wrong or if I am going to make something wrong with my worrying? HELP!

    (Thank you for reading all of this I know it was impossibly long!)

    I think the mistake a lot of us make is thinking the state-appointed shrink is our friend. - Jack Handy

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Jules~it seems as though he had a great deal on his plate and lots to deal with this weekend. Maybe this is just his way of dealing with issues that are difficult. I realize its easier to say to you..."Dont worry, youre analzying too much and what not" and its a heck of alot harder to actually NOT do that, but somehow you have to at least try. I think this weekend might have been overwhelming to him, and the best thing maybe you can do is be there for him as a friend right now, granted things are going in a different direction for you two, but maybe hes got things he needs to work out somehow. Give it a few days and see what happens. Im sure he will call you this week. Youve got a lot going for you, and hes a great person. Hes not going to string you along here.

    Hang in there Jules! Everything will work out the way its meant too, this could just be a simple turn in the road. It will be ok!!!
    everything happens for a reason...beginning to wonder why.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Yeah, I realize that this is the first weekend that we were around other people - I was sharing him with his Mom, Paul, and random friends. Normally we are in a town where the only people we know are each other so I pretty much have him all to myself.

    It was just different and I am wondering if we are getting ready to enter the oh-so fun pulling away phase.

    I think the mistake a lot of us make is thinking the state-appointed shrink is our friend. - Jack Handy

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Oh sweetie~hang in there...honest men are like rubberbands remember? They stretch but spring back even stronger!!!
    everything happens for a reason...beginning to wonder why.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Virginia is for LOVERRRRS <3
    I definitely agree with Squirrley. It sounds like he has a lot on his mind right now, and a lot of guys deal with that kind of stuff by kinda closing themselves off. I think its been made very clear that he's into you, and this weekend he was just trying to deal with a lot and therefore acted a little differently. I wouldn't worry that its anything at all to do with you. You're awesome and I know he appreciated you being there this weekend. As Squirrley said, it just seems like he has a lot on his plate right now. I wouldn't worry, I know he'll call you, he might just wait a couple of days until he's feeling better.

    Cinderella said to Snow White
    "How does love get so off course
    All I wanted was a white knight
    With a good heart, soft touch, fast horse
    Ride me off into the sunset
    [URL=http://dizzygirl.net]Baby I'm forever yours[/URL]"

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